Welcome everyone, I am so deeply honoured to be able to share animal’s thoughts & feelings on every situation they face in their lives.
Animals have great humour, love, joy & wisdom – animals love sharing their insights into their life, their reasons for being, their reasons for any struggles they are encountering; animals are incredibly insightful; animals are truly amazing beings enriching our own lives in every possible way.
Due to word of mouth referrals since 2006 I have communicated with animals worldwide – New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands, USA, Canada, Europe, UK, Nordic, South Africa & Asia.
As an Animal Communicator & Healer I have had guest appearances on National Television & Radio Shows – also appeared in National Newspapers & Magazines (NZ & overseas). I am also a published Writer on Animal Communication & Healing sharing messages from the Animal Kingdom. If you would like to interview me please drop me a quick note.
I do hold regular workshops.
Conversations with Pets from Loading Docs on Vimeo.
Loading Docs is funded by the New Zealand Film Commission & NZ On Air’s Digital Media Fund
“We planned to shoot the day-to-day life of an animal communicator and wanted to capture a domestic portrait of Faye interacting with her own pets and the everyday conversations that came up. This being a very observational documentary, we were hoping for surprises and we got some. Faye had a frantic call from an American client about a lost kitten so all of a sudden we stumbled upon a remarkable moment where she was communicating with the lost kitten to help him to be found. Faye has never been comfortable having outsiders see her channel a lost animal and so was reluctant at first. Building up trust over the previous day’s shoot meant she was open to letting us film a little bit of her process.
We are very privileged to have been able to produce this short with the Loading Docs initiative. The challenge and also reward was being able to bring emotion and entertainment together in such a powerfully succinct package”
From Faye: Little Finn Kitten had been missing for 3 hours before I was contacted, his family had turned their house upside down looking for him – furniture pulled out from walls & every cupboard pulled apart – he was where he said he was – Finn had gone on a big adventure, and had got himself stuck.
Faye appears in the New Zealand Woman’s Weekly
Squeee…New Zealand Woman’s Weekly got in touch with me for an interview photo-shoot session which meant I got to spend a day hanging out with 4 gorgeous animals & their peeps.
The article ‘Animal Magic! The truth about cats and dogs’ is a 4 page spread promoting that animals are pretty special in their insights.
My friend captured her gorgeous Mr Fergus having a looksie at the article…..
That’s me on the right, on the left is stunning duo Oscar & Mallinda.

FREE EBook – The Wonder of Animals
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Upcoming Workshops
Awakening to Animals Voices: April (4-Week Online Zoom)
Heart Soul Collective Circle (In Person – Christchurch: May 10th: Unicorn Magic)
The Human & Animal Soul Connection Workshop (May 22nd, Zoom Online)
Advanced Animal Communication Workshop: June/July (Online Zoom)
To keep informed about upcoming events, please sign up for the Newsletter “Messages From The Animal Kingdom” using the form on the right.