Holistic Directory


Di supports all animal species, and people with Bodytalk


email: di@dogsandus.nz

Di Scurr, Tauranga, New Zealand: my clients are WORLDWIDE

Having shared most of my life with animal companions, their happiness, comfort, welfare and wellness is as important to me as caring for one’s child. These qualities together with the elimination of any suffering are my driving force as primarily a BodyTalk for Animals practitioner.

Bodytalk and particularly its foundational theories on how and why it works, fitted harmoniously with my life-long years of learning about and using holistic integrative therapies. I am so excited about this modality!  I would love to be able to help you get great results with your animal friend, or even yourself!  Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions you may have or to make an appointment. Thank you. Di

Bowen & Craniosacral Therapy for Humans -- Lomilomi Massage, Equissage & Craniosacral Therapy for Horses

Lisa Marks, Canterbury, New Zealand

Natural Therapies offered for Humans & Horses

Bowen & Craniosacral Therapy for Humans

Lomilomi Massage, Equissage & Craniosacral Therapy for Horses

Cell: 027 6407929

Energy Works - Energy Healing for Animals (& People), Vibrational Essence Practitioner


Energy Works NZ Ltd
Jeanne Northwood
Auckland, New Zealand

phone: (09) 4446374
mobile 021 1254268

~ providing a unique (w)holistic healing for our animals, and their people.

Over the years of working with Energy Healing, we have noticed the way that emotional memory/trauma at cellular memory level affects our overall health; both physically and psychologically .All of our programmed healing work starts at this cellular level, working to help clear emotional imbalance & where need be, reprogramming cell structure/memory with a new positive program.We are able to work on physical issues with your animals, as well as behavioural. Energy work can assist with all forms of healing, working alongside of your Vet care, or it will stand alone.

We also offer Flower & Plant essences and blends, developing our own unique Animal Stress Blend ( a pumped up rescue remedy) plus a personalised blends catered to each individual requirement.

At Energy Works we have also created our own unique Synergens range of healing products, using all NZ natural plant infused oils & extracts plus Bach Flower essences to offer a complete healing range for both animal & people.

We work remotely Internationally as well as locally – so location is no problem