

“Good fortune is so firmly attached to one that has Seal as a Power Animal. Do you dream big? Do your dreams exceed what you experience? Do your dreams sometimes still your heart due to spectacularness? Do your dreams inspire you?…

Interview with Mystic Mag - Listening To The Language Of Animals With Faye Rogers

Check out my recent interview with Mystic Mag, link below https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-fayerogers/

FOOTSTEPS by Torino Wolfhound & the Animal Kingdom – (author) Faye Rogers (copyright) GIANT PANDAS MISSION

Giant Pandas, would you like to hear about Pandas? Yes, you do; where do I start with these unique, adorable-looking animals of incredible beauty and magnificence.             Giant…

Phoenix, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Los Angeles – Dreams Do Come True

I must admit I am a total novice at travel, but Sedona, Arizona, had been on my bucket list for many a year. LifeVantage wanted to share some kudos with Poppy & me and we were invited to their 2022 Convention. This year it was held in…

The Christmas Star, Returning Home Spencer Sharing

20th December 2020,           “As we are in this phase of planetary ascension, many humans have been getting stirred up in their relationships they have with others.  Others can be family,…

Self-Containment/Turtles - Torino Wolfhound

Turtles are amazing land/sea animals, not quite of this world - they are so unique in how they are. To be able to carry your house on your back doesn’t this make complete sense! To be able to stand up and uproot yourself whenever you wish…