From Northern White Rhino: Goodwill is the Energy of 2019

“It might seem strange that a species that is on the brink of extinction is sharing, but it’s not strange, because we are sharing as a reminder to humans that you can destroy, or you can captivate with love with tenderness with caring Goodwill,…

Being In Love - Torino Wolfhound Sharing

“Being in love…. What a powerful emotion to feel – being in love. Being in love it turns your world upside down, it makes you feel things so much deeper, it allows you freedom to be who you truly are. Please place your hand on your…
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Lynx Shares About The Rainbow Prophecy

Lynx sharing "There have been prophecies that have been given to this planet from the Star Nations relating to the Rainbow Prophecy…. We are not copycats, and we won’t be sharing word for word what another has shared relating to the Rainbow…


Beautiful Cats shared their special message about the Healing Power of their Purr for the May 2015 newsletter.  From Cats: “Our purr is a gift to this planet, a special sublime gift and  each cat’s purr will capture different magic,…

Swans - King & Queen of the Bird Kingdom

Last week on Facebook people put up their hands wanting to read Swan's Message, below is the chapter dedicated to Swans from my manuscript FOOTSTEPS by Torino Wolfhound & the Animal Kingdom – (author) Faye Rogers. [From Torino Wolfhound]…

WINGS OF LIGHT shared by Hero Wolfhound

Three days ago [12th December] I shared on Facebook the postings about the little kitten in Southland [New Zealand] who was cruelly stoned to death by a small group of teenagers. I shared the video in the hope that it would lead to the offenders…


My lovely friend Accalia introduced me to one of the cats that she helps attends to at her local SPCA.  This beautiful cat is a mama cat and has a very young kitten.  The beautiful cat introduced herself to me as Angel, and Angel then shared…

CELEBRATING KEA Being Crowned NZ Bird of the Year 2017

Stunning Keas have been crowned  NZ Bird of the Year...Revisiting their messages that they shared April 2016. Keas shares that they are King or Queen of all they survey, but we must also feel like King or Queen of what we survey so that…

THREE-TOED SLOTHS loyalty, charm and living with ease of purpose

THREE-TOED SLOTHS 'loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose' three-toed-sloths-loyalty-charm-living-ease-purpose It has been ages since I last blogged, but I thought over the next few months I would start sharing again some of the  beautiful…

oh Faye ... how do I overcome such sadness when I see posts of animals suffering?

I received this message from a lovely sensitive friend “oh Faye... how do I overcome such sadness when I see posts of animals suffering? And I know it’s just one post. But know also there are sooooo many more. It’s such a heavy down-heartening…

Harambe Gorilla's Message

I heard the news on Harambe just after he was taken from the world, and it took me over a day to post on facebook due to I was feeling so much heart-break. Also after hearing the news, I did connect with Harambe and shared healing, he mentioned…