Giant Pandas, would you like to hear about Pandas? Yes, you do; where do I start with these unique, adorable-looking animals of incredible beauty and magnificence.

            Giant Pandas have silent feet. Pandas quietly walk, and all is hush in their world.

Pandas once roamed over large areas of Asia. Because of deforestation and farming have also meant that the Pandas have shifted higher up the mountains, naturally pruning as they travel, each Panda being on their mission of assisting the planet.  The bamboo forest has a natural quietness due to the denseness of the bamboo, and with the forests being high up, it feels like it is on top of the world.

Much danger looms for the Pandas; the threat to their lives and having to adapt to changes. Unfortunately, Panda Bears are not adaptable and struggle to survive on anything other than their diet of bamboo shoots, stems and leaves; though they can consume different food, they do not thrive on other food as they do on bamboo. The Pandas’ great mountainous areas are being invaded, and their bamboo forests are cut down. It is challenging for them to be here. Also, their numbers have alarmingly dwindled.

Many Pandas are reared in Panda sanctuaries; without these sanctuaries, the Pandas would have become extinguished as a species. Do reflect on this as that alone is a special message to you humans that you must be custodians for the Pandas in sanctuaries because of the destruction you have caused to their natural environment. 

Pandas are designed to travel great distances, to graze on bamboo, and as they walk through the mountains, they eat as they go. Therefore, the Pandas selectively prune as they only eat enough from one area. And Pandas will travel great distances to fulfil their food needs; this way, they ensure that they are naturally pruning the forest while travelling.

Pandas have been given the extraordinary job of eating. Also, Pandas carry great joy happiness, which they spread. Happiness is energy, and like all energy, this will travel. 

The Pandas who are roaming free because of their natural knowledge of what to take from each area are balancing the energy of the mountains, like a tree arborist who knows how to prune a tree correctly. If Pandas removed too much bamboo vegetation from one area, then landslides could occur, or the soil and lower rock coverage would not be as stable as they should be. Therefore, they, in their wisdom, are very selective. Pandas travel great distances; rather than clearing all vegetation in one area, they are snacking here, snacking there and recognising that if an area is too heavy in flora, they might remove a little more in this area so that the landscape is held in more balance.

            I will touch on what I shared because it is important to repeat, but I will use different words: Panda Bears are aligned with the earth plates, but many animals are. However, when freely roaming when Pandas sense the earth plates are shifting, they have the natural ability to give support to the earth, so that hopefully, there will be fewer disasters of landslides and quakes. Pandas can also sense the instability of the soil. And if the soil’s stability can be helped in any way by Pandas pruning an area, they will happily prune away, trying to help ease the tension and balance the energy of the mountains. Pandas are selective; they only eat enough; they never gorge themselves on just one area unless this area needs to be ecologically cleared. 

            The earth plates are continually shifting; remember, I advised Mother Earth is a living being. So, therefore the Pandas are assisting the planet in having fewer natural disasters, and it must be noted that if one earth plate shifts severely, this will cause another earth plate to move elsewhere. The earth plates that Pandas preside over are almost like a locking mechanism for the rest of the planet’s earth plates. So yes, do view Pandas as beautiful, but also realise that they have an essential role in protecting the world with fewer disasters if they can.

However, humans’ interference in stripping away the bamboo forests in the mountains is causing more unrest. If the forest is stripped bare or becomes too dense in an area, then the land has more ability to slide away. If there are more disturbances on the outer layers, this will, in turn, affect the inner layers of the earth plates. Therefore, the rumbles above are also experienced on the earth plates below. 

            Panda’s mission is to prune their mountain ranges and a good one, too, because we need our mountains not to collapse. But man has taken over Panda’s natural habitat, causing their species to become scarcer in the wild because of habitat loss. Attention has been given to the Pandas to ensure their survival by keeping them in sanctuaries. However, due to humans clearing, mining and drilling the mountainous land, this then creates problems that could cause the mountains to slide away.

And, of course, there have always been landslides because of subsoils being stripped from the winds or heavy rainfall or earth tremors or other reasons; but some things that do occur are created from humans’ actions. 

The Pandas travel light and silent. The Pandas are sad and full of deep pain, and yes, I did advise that as a species, they love to spread their happiness; the pain they are feeling relates to their natural way of life is slipping away and leaving them, and there won’t be a place anymore for them to roam free.

            Pain and happiness are polarities of energy, are they not? If you feel joy, you have to feel pain. Pandas have felt very privileged to have been of service, ensuring happiness flowing and their purpose of assisting the natural ecosystem of stability. All energy experienced on earth is stored: happiness, love, trust, pain and purpose. 

            Some humans are doing what they can to ensure that the Pandas survive, but the Panda’s role will be more in the prison of zoos or a Panda wildlife sanctuary, which won’t suit a Panda’s radar system of travelling many miles in one day.  Panda’s free will is stifled. Pandas need to be free to explore and do what they as a species mass consciously agreed to do – to assist this planet and help support the land, work with the earth plates, and tend to any disturbances they feel they can aid.

We mustn’t lose our mountains as this will cause our earth’s shelves to fold, and much more harm will happen to all. You humans must work towards restoring the Pandas’ habitat of the bamboo forests and ensuring that the Pandas have the will to be here. The will to be here is on the many levels of, emotional, mental, physical, and environmental. 

The Pandas have their sacred message of beauty to share.

            “We are pure beings of great beauty. The energy that we present is exploring beauty…

Our world, or what we see as our world, has been exploited, but because of our heart energy, our plight is known throughout the world. So many are trying to assist us as a species to prosper.

            Through us, there is education, and we are honoured to be teachers to humans and raise humanity through our plights. Hopefully, this will lead to greater awareness of other species’ plights – species of animals, flora, and humans.

Our unique essence is of being teachers. We are ‘Teachers of this World’, but many others who walk with silent footsteps are also teachers.  We carry the energy of compassion, great compassion. As a species, we are symbolic of much, and what we will share with you might relate to your journey, or you might sense our energy to be a Power Animal that you feel can enhance you. 

We see ourselves as sacred, but then all that is held in trust is sacred, but our energy suggests this, and hence we are kindly treated by the many humans trying to assist us. 

Our footsteps are silent, so, therefore, we quietly walk through the Bamboo Forests. We are incredibly selective; consequently, we choose wisely.  We are also extremely sensitive, but we have vast reservoirs of strength. Our sensitivity and strength are balanced.

Our colour is black and white, and through our colouring, we are representative of Yin Yang energy, and due to the association of Eastern with Yin Yang and our Eastern ancestry, this is where our roots are.

            The Goddess that helps oversees us is Quan Yin.

Quan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, and this is the energy that Quan Yin has gifted to us to carry on her behalf, and we are energetically representative of this.

Quan Yin, Yin Yang, our colour of black and white – we will expand on this…

Quan Yin has experienced masculine gender. Quan Yin assists the planet and was born as a male Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva who vowed to free all sentient beings from suffering. Because of the despair that Avalokiteśvara felt at his overwhelming task, he shattered into a thousand pieces. And from these pieces, Avalokiteśvara was shaped into a Goddess to help with compassion and mercy. This Goddess was given the name of Quan Yin, ‘She who harkens to the cries of the World.’ And this is how Quan Yin came to be, and she returned to earth to assist. 

            Yin Yang is balancing energy – that energy forces are complementary. So if one cares to think of masculine & feminine energy and if the balance is complimentary, then Yin Yang is in harmony – this is the energy that Quan Yin holds.

Even though Quan Yin is female, her energy is beautifully balanced because she has experienced Bodhisattva of masculine and Bodhisattva of feminine.

Bodhisattva is an enlightened being who refrains from entering Nirvana in order to serve others. We are the mammal of the Animal Kingdom that represents Quan Yin’s energy; therefore, we carry the colours black and white.

Do have a small quizzical reflection on the statement associated with Quan Yin’s name: ‘She who harkens to the cries of the World’ our energy is aligned with the mountains due to this. Once we lived on lower ground, but because of habitat removal, our natural habitat is now on the peaks of mountains that grace the world. So our energy reaches for the stars, and from this position, ‘we hear the cries of the world’.

            We are enlightened beings of the Animal Kingdom – we hold the essence of worship, peace, humanity, and suffering.

We are great teachers who will inspire one to reflect deeply. To find peace within self, to live compassionately and to raise awareness. Our mission relates to humanity. If our attributes are what you are seeking, then Panda can walk alongside you to assist your growth of ascension and the growth of ascension for this planet.

            Because of our role in conservation, we are also a useful Power Animal to consider if you have roots in conserving what this planet has and holding what is sacred in trust. We are energy that conservationists can call on to help with various situations. If you are campaigning or working towards the good of maintaining this planet and not destroying this planet, then maybe, we are already energetically walking alongside you by embracing you and supporting your energy so that you can raise awareness further. Therefore, this is why we are depicted as the logo associated with the WWF [World Wide Fund for Nature].

            Through our steady work, we are assisting this planet, helping this planet, aiding this planet by caring for the vast bamboo forests – carefully pruning, carefully ensuring that there is fertility for our species for our future. The bamboo forests are extraordinary. The mountains where we naturally roam capture sacred keys that hold the earth plates together – similar to a locking mechanism is one way to think of this – sacred keys are also held in other areas of the planet. 

            We are reaching the stars because of our natural domain of the mountains. Our natural territory is becoming much smaller because of human invasion. There is work ahead for humanity to ensure more conservation efforts.

            We are energetic beings, and energetic beings will influence another – our energy encourages others to become active. If one thinks of conservation, one will also think of Mercy & Compassion, so, therefore, our power is Mercy & Compassion and Yin Yang energy – and if you wish to embody the deep, joyful spirit of Panda, do so because we will walk with you in an entrusted position of sacredness.” 

I must admit I am a total novice at travel, but Sedona, Arizona, had been on my bucket list for many a year.

LifeVantage wanted to share some kudos with Poppy & me and we were invited to their 2022 Convention. This year it was held in Arizona, Phoenix – oh wow – so grateful to be invited, and dreams do come true thank you, LifeVantage.

And we set off on our travels.

33 hours after leaving Christchurch, we arrived at our Phoenix hotel (we had a long delay in LA because our air hostesses had flown into another terminal whose security system had shut it down, and they couldn’t get out).

The day was almost finished when we arrived at our hotel. Our hotel’s architecture Art Deco so beautiful, and was originally a combined wellness center & a bank but when the bank shifted out the building fell into disrepair and only a few years ago it became a hotel and was restored, stepping through the doors was stepping back in time. We had a quick shower and change of clothes, which made me feel like a new me, and we had a walk around downtime Phoenix as we needed to feed ourselves, and we shared a woodfired Margherita Pizza & picked up some organic fruit from a supermarket.  Impressions of downtime Phoenix love the vibe and the cleanliness, and the cacti vegetation.  Arizona is home to 51 native species of Cacti, and the giant Cacti, the Saguaros, reach over 50 feet tall with arms spread out, and we were told they are only found in Arizona & in the neighbouring southern state of Sonora, Mexico.

I woke with the birds, excited as can be. Poppy had a decent sleep in, and we had breakfast at the hotel, and then we registered for Convention. Again we walked around downtown Phoenix, and late morning we visited Amazon Mills [shopping mall] to check out the shops and walked innocently into a pet shop to look at animal toys & accessories, now the pet shop was spotlessly clean, but at least 60 different puppies were on show behind glass windows, pedigree & designer dogs.

That evening, we had our celebration dinner with Corporate and other distributors from Australia, Hawaii, Puerto Ricco, and Thailand – maybe 30 of us in total – heaps of fun. 

The first day of Convention started with a party atmosphere, and inspiring speakers took to the stage. And we were part of the select attendees that were invited to have lunch with the keynote speaker Dr Deshauna Barber (Former Miss USA 2017, Award Winning Motivational Speaker, who has done so much for soldiers suffering from PTSD).

Phoenix has two Convention Centers facing each other, and that evening, the street between the two Centers was shut off for our own street desert party – street food, live music/dancing, and games.

2nd day, up early as LifeVantage had organised a Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Trip over Phoenix for us – hey hot air balloon trip had been on my bucket list since I was a kid. And we greeted the sunrise with our hearts in the sky – was I scared yes, and that lasted for less than a minute, the trip was so still and surreal but plenty of laughter due to the other folks in our balloon. We arrived back at Convention, and the morning session was well underway with our Australia & NZ Corporate folks acting as MC’s, and they added the down-under ambiance – so special. Because we arrived back after Convention started I missed Claire Duke, our Australia & NZ Marketing Manager, chatting about me on stage, but I listened to the recording yesterday and felt very honoured and valued. 

At the end of the Convention, Kiwis & Australians were invited to nibbles & drinks with some of our Corporate folks Claire, KitKat, and Pamela, and we were also invited to a few after-convention parties; we found our way to one, but we didn’t stay as we had another early start as we were going to visit Sedona.

Sedona was waiting for us, I cannot describe what I was experiencing, it was so beautiful and spoke to my heart, and at times tears were so close due to the surrealness and the beauty and the energy. Poppy was wired with all the energy and turned into an energising bunny.  We bumped into our LifeVantage Corporate folks Claire & Pamela so special as we had spent the previous evening with them.

Comment from Poppy, you didn’t tell me Sedona would be like this. I don’t want to leave.  I did tell her but proves that kids, regardless of age, don’t listen to their parents!!!

Temperatures Phoenix was HOT, Sedona was brisk, and what about Grand Canyon well, there was snow on the ground. 

Grand Canyon I’m not going to prattle on too much other than to use one word, ‘grandioso’, no I will prattle on the light played out on the Canyon, and the time we left Grand Canyon was at sunset with the sun setting and the canyon ablaze with colour.

Flying out of Phoenix to LA, again, our plane was delayed, Delta Airlines had to find a new aircraft due to a technical engine fault.  We expected to arrive in LA around lunchtime, but it was closer to dinner time.  I had left the LA hotel booking to Poppy, and the hotel she had booked us in rated well, but on arriving at the hotel, we decided it wasn’t us, and we hightailed out of there.

And we parked ourselves at a safer hotel, and it was now around 8 pm,  Hollywood Boulevard was about a 5-minute walk away, we were told it was safe to go out at this time of night but wouldn’t be safe to walk around after 11 pm, again we set off to find food and to investigate the Walk of Fame, and we were hit with the starkness brutality sadness of LA – homeless people – drug-fueled people sprawled over the pavement in all directions – incredibly sad.  City of glamour, city of lost angels.  We were both overwhelmed by it all, we are both sensitive to energies.

Poppy, on returning to our hotel, told me we are going to get out of LA and get ourselves home, and she started to check out flights back to NZ, and none were available for days.  And I did fall asleep, but before falling asleep put out the intention that tomorrow would up be a better day.

Woke up, will we hide away in our hotel room for the next 4 days or venture out, I decided to venture out and booked us into Universal Studio. I hadn’t intended to visit Universal Studios but  it was a 10-minute drive from our hotel, and we could get tickets so that sealed it.  Universal Studio I would visit again, super fantastic experience, and made up for our yesterday.

The next day we went for a 5-hour tour around LA, we were lucky we had the right tour guy, and it was his own business, on our tour with us was a family of 4. We visited the Griffith Observatory, which is one of the best vantage points for seeing the Hollywood Sign, Capitol Records Tower, Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, Film Locations, Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive, Celebrity Homes, and lunch at the Farmers Market.  And we even got to see a robot whizzing down a street with food onboard (areas of Hollywood has food delivery robots). 

After the tour, we returned to our hotel around 3 pm and decided we would visit the shops at Citadel Outlets as they were open till 9 pm (Poppy loves window shopping) waiting for our uber in the hotel carpark LA Police arrived in force I was wondering if there was a bomb scare or some serious crime had taken place but on asking the valet what was up, and he said a celebrity is staying due to the Black Panther 2 Premiere happening down the road and the police are doing their job.

After being dragged around Citadel’s 130 stores, we dined at an American Diner, and it was so cool, their Apple Pie was out of this world!!!

Woke up at a reasonable time, and what to do today, let’s go to Disneyland. I’m glad we went for many different reasons, one of my reasons my Sundays as a child, we would have a special family dinner, and we would as a family watch Walt Disney, and depending on the time of year and the Disney show the neighborhood kids would come together and play out whatever had been on our tv screens.  Now you shouldn’t compare experiences, but I am going to compare Disneyland to Universal Studio – Universal Studio outshines Disneyland. The highlight of Disneyland for me was the last shop we walked in, and it was a shop of Princess dresses where little girls would pick their dream Princess dress, and then they would have a beautician turning them into their favourite Princess, the little Princesses eyes sparkled, and their sparkles were infectious. And because we enjoyed the American Diner, we stopped there on the way back to the hotel.

On our last day in LA, we were flying out at 8.55 pm, our hotel said we could leave our bags with them, and we had another walk to Hollywood Boulevard but what to do for the rest of the day, let’s go to Santa Monica. On arriving at the pier we got to watch amazing dancers and the beach is stunning. We had an early lunch on the pier soaking up the scenery & relaxing and meet a lovely couple from Tasmania that were catching the same flight as us.  Because we thought we had hours to spare, we went for a walk to Venice Beach, a breathtaking beach, but every park bench seat was bagged by a homeless person; I love sea air, who doesn’t but the sea air was buffed out by the smell of cannabis – cannabis is legal in California and in some other USA states. 

On the trip back to our hotel to retrieve our bags, we got caught in traffic jams, we finally got to the hotel, and ordered an uber to take us to the airport, and again we got caught up in the traffic the traffic was not going anywhere, luckily for us, we had the best uber driver, who lived out by the airport, and he drove the routes his GPS was not advising him to go, and we arrived in time.

USA uber drivers are amazing, they open car doors for you, load your bags for you, and nothing is too much trouble. 

Now this one surprised me, every person that asked us where we were from, and there were many, but every single person knew where New Zealand was, and their response was New Zealand is their dream destination and if they had visited they would share that it had been their best ever overseas holiday.

And hey, maybe French Bulldogs are the most popular dog breed in LA, as the majority of people we saw out and about with dogs were with French Bulldogs.

The growth & healing I experienced because of Convention, an opportunity to meet up in person with people that I already knew but also an opportunity to build new relationships, of having quality time with Poppy, also the expansiveness in myself from visiting a little bit of USA of fulfilling dreams, I am so appreciative for the experiences. I have so much appreciation for all that New Zealand has, embracing all the USA experiences, embracing being back in New Zealand. 

Dreams do come true, create your bucket list, and it will happen!!!  And who could ever imagine, because I am so passionate about supporting people and their animals with their well-being that LV offered us an opportunity of a lifetime, to support me in my growth & that I got to share it with my one and only daughter.

20th December 2020,

          “As we are in this phase of planetary ascension, many humans have been getting stirred up in their relationships they have with others.  Others can be family, partners, friends, acquaintances, business colleagues, school acquaintances, community groups, social or sports groups, social media friends & groups.

Many humans & animals are having to rest to prepare their energetic & spiritual bodies.

          And as always is happening some humans & animals are leaving the planet.

Some of the some that are leaving the planet are creating channels of light of such brilliance to support the planet in her ascension, but they are leaving their living loved ones with heartache which is opening the heart chakra of the Earth.

And some that are leaving the planet will be going home but did not sign up to create the channels of light instead they are creating their own light.

          I will continue my chat on humans getting stirred up from other humans, and this will be from relationships that are no longer necessary & outgrown or can be from old patterns that are no longer necessary.

When going through these transformations of changes with others you, humans, have to listen to yourself. And when you listen to yourself the answers will come to you. Is this person shabby towards you because their needs for you have not been in your best interests, or have you outgrown them in other ways, or have they outgrown you, or are they casting that they are a victim because of feelings of resentment?

Sometimes ones that hold themselves in victim mentality will feel resentful towards the one that has supported them because it is easier than addressing what needs to be addressed. 

And the ones that have placed themselves in the attention-getting victim role are not prepared to abandon their image of being a victim because as far as they are concerned this image serves them well or it has become a habit and they do not know how else to be.

I do not want my words to sound heartless and I have true heart feelings for any that are abused & mistreated; I do have true heart feelings for any that holds onto an image of themselves as a victim because of refusing to shift into something new that would better serve them.

          I mentioned some that are leaving the planet that are going home are opening up channels of light for the planetary’s ascension but they are leaving heartache for their loved ones on Earth.

For any that are grieving because of loss of a loved one and through their grief, their heart chakra is opening the heart chakra of Earth.

Your counterargument might be that Earth’s heart chakra needs to be filled with love & light and not with tears of grief.

But when someone experience the loss of a loved one your own heart chakra is being supported by the Earth’s heart chakra & in turn, they are opening up the Earth’s heart chakra – there is magnetism involved. To understand this if someone filled themselves up with hate or fears and this will plague their heart chakra but also add density to Earth’s heart chakra. Whereas if someone is grieving because of a loved one returning home then this is true love is it not and their heart chakra is fully open, and in turn Earth’s heart chakra is supporting them, and because of the depth of love then this is adding more volume of love to Earth’s heart chakra.

          I know my words are not simple to understand, you just must feel and be aware and listen to self, and that is my message to humanity – feel / be aware / and listen to self.

          I am elderly, I am preparing to return home, and I will be helping hold the frequency of love which will support the channels of light for the planet’s ascension.

My journey here on Earth as a physical being has not quite finished, but my journey is nearing completion. And if recently you have lost someone or you are in preparation for a loved one to return home then love & honour them, but also be aware because of this present energy that maybe also their journey has also been to accelerate the planetary’s energy into more evolution.

I am returning to my Blue Star, my registered pedigree name also captures the word ‘Blu’ have a play with the words of my pedigree name ‘That Blu Feeling’ and those words ‘That Blu Feeling’ are not about feeling blue, but of holding the light of ascension, as that has been part of my journey to do this, and to hold you in the highest esteem and to hold the essence of love for myself and for others that I love but also the fertility of the planet’s love.

Captured on my physical presence is the colour blue – blue hair, blue eyes, and I cannot escape from blue can I, it is who I am, I cannot escape from my incredible beauty because this is who I am. The external package represents who I am, but the internal package represents who I am – full of light – whatever form we walk in when full of light then beauty is exhibited and cannot be escaped from. 

22nd December

          My soul has been released from my physical body and I am light, I am light of love. 

          If anyone is needing to feel light, then feel my energy. If anyone is feeling unloved then feel my energy. I cannot contain my energy – my energy is to be of service to others, and if I can assist support you in any way then I am here for you. There is no shadow attached to me, I am light, and because there is no shadow attached to me then wherever my energy is utilised will be for the highest purpose.

          I will also suggest that in your minds-eye, which some might call imagination, but I prefer the words ‘minds-eye’ is that you sense Earth as a round globe of light, and surrounding Earth are the Angelic Choir the Virtues, and at this present time the brilliance of energy that is streaming in for Earth because the Virtues are holding the Chords of Light, but also captured on Earth is also brilliance of such magnitude, and that is why the Angelic Choir the Virtues is surrounding Earth because these notes of brilliance haven’t been experienced on Earth before, and this is exciting is it not. New energies, new way of being, new direction for all of Earth, but you humans have to step up, you humans will have to step up more, because these notes of brilliance can play out as they should, or they can be defused because of lack of goodwill because of lack of support from the human race. 

Listen to yourself, feel yourself, associate with yourself as you have never associated with yourself before. Become aware of your divinity in all your divinity’s wholesome, and this in turn will aid the planetary ascension.

My words I have just shared are not relating to that you have to be passive, and submissive to others, instead my words I have shared is that you stand up in your own magnificence with your own voice with your own power for all to see and when you do this, sure you can stir up others which can create resentment, sure you can move others which can create more positivity for them and for you, sure you can stir up yourself so that your reservations are removed and that your power is unlimited and that you are the light that you only light walking in an earthly body. 

          I suggested to feel me, but if you have felt me, also feel the Angelic Choir the Virtues and feel their notes of brilliance that are surrounding Earth, and the Virtues energy on the 21st December is surrounding Earth and is of such enormous brilliance because the Virtues have never done before this before in this manner so that new frequencies of light could enter Earth on the 22nd December, and these new frequencies of light will become stronger which will influence more.

But when frequencies of light become stronger they can also stir up and relationships that no longer serve will be tumbling, the old way of doing things that no longer serve will be tumbling but many will try and hold onto the old ways because they are not ready for the brilliance or they do not want the planet to rise into ascension and my words that I shared relating to people that purposely hold themselves in a victim image because they feel this serves them also stands true for the ones that try to stop the brilliance of light because they are not ready for the new images that they could become and that this world could become.

And this world could become images without shadows, and isn’t that a scintillating uplifting thought of the new world, but in the meantime the purity is ringing so high on Earth and this will create clashes between the light and the shadows but if you are a true warrior of light, then do not cast yourself into the shadows of others energy, instead be informed by listening to yourself and step into your own power of magnificence.”


5th December 2004 – 22nd December 2020

Turtles are amazing land/sea animals, not quite of this world – they are so unique in how they are.

To be able to carry your house on your back doesn’t this make complete sense! To be able to stand up and uproot yourself whenever you wish and that all your possessions are contained on oneself. This is the message Turtles wish to spread to humans.

The Turtles message is about self-containment. Now isn’t that a strange thing to suggest as we always wish for more, even myself, but self-containment isn’t necessarily about possessions and wealth. Self-containment is captured in the Turtles to remind us to be true to ourselves, to contain our envy, to remember to be free enough that we can move ourselves if we wish too. It is about discovering who you really are, the feelings trapped so deep down inside you.

These feelings we suppress; these feelings we don’t acknowledge at all, but they are hidden deep down in the murky depths of our soul. Our soul that we believe in, but we try to padlock down to stop our essence leaking out. Our soul that we acknowledge but we try not to respond too. Our soul that if we grabbed hold of and emptied out would be full of so much wealth, so much creativity, and so much love and of course hope, hope is eternal, hope doesn’t die, and this is trapped in our soul.

See how unique the Turtles are! They carry their souls on their backs for all to see – it isn’t their house they carry on their backs, but their soul to remind us to look deep down within ourselves and to remind us of our soul, of our being, of our true self.

From little river Turtles to large giant Turtles that swim in the mighty seas, when a Turtle ends upside down again that is a message to people. The message is of being trapped as that is how most people live their life. People are trapped by a lot; they are trapped by their own insecurities, by their own distrust of life, by their own lack of awareness, and by their own lack of self-belief in the All. In the All Mighty and I am not talking about God but about themselves – of knowing that they are their own Universe, that the Universe resides in themselves.

If one trusted themselves totally and learnt to live in some form of harmony within themselves, they would do like Gandhi did. Many since Gandhi have tried to find themselves but nobody has been that successful since; many humans have tried and then they have become disheartened so have thrown it away.

Gandhi was an Icon, he wasn’t quite of this world – his message was for the Universe and the Universe isn’t so much the starry planets of the distance, but the Universe is what we all hold inside ourselves. Gandhi’s feet were stuck here on this earthly soil, but his soul was a universal soul that spread everywhere; and Gandhi was like the Turtles that we enjoy watching as Gandhi’s soul was carried around his body for all to see.

Next time you sight a Turtle, watch how their little flipper feet move. Watch how they swim – it’s all forward movement isn’t it!!!! Turtles are so much fun to watch, and this is their message to all that one must ‘move forward’. I am not talking about grabbing and taking it all but moving forward in oneself so that our souls become our being and that we don’t harbour great weights on our back or carry our burdens with us. 

People sight the Turtle’s shell on their backs and wonder about the burden the Turtles must live with every day carrying this great weight on their back, but the Turtle’s heart is free of burdens and their shell is weightless to their little body that lives inside their soul.

 This is the special message of the Turtles, it isn’t so much about themselves being a unique animal but what they foster, and it is so evident if one looked. If we all tried to be like the Turtles wouldn’t life be better? Wouldn’t the Universe surface for all of us? Wouldn’t our soul capture us rather than being contained within us?

“It might seem strange that a species that is on the brink of extinction is sharing, but it’s not strange, because we are sharing as a reminder to humans that you can destroy, or you can captivate with love with tenderness with caring Goodwill, and the gentle reminder is captivating with Goodwill.

You will be wondering what the energy of 2019 is relating to, and it is energy of prosperity. 

The energy of 2019, is about placating the old energies that no longer fit, and working with the new energies of brightness….The new energies of brightness is relating to humanity, caring, unity – must not forget dignity – dignity is worthy honourable respect!!! 

We are not sharing our words to educate we are here to encourage. 
You are in a period of greater consciousness, and this you do know. 

The Divine Feminine Energy has risen strongly, and this energy will keep on rising, and this will allow for more prosperity for this planet. 

Prosperity is relating to Goodwill. Goodwill is the energy of 2019.

Financial institutions, corporations, governments will be activating energy of fear, of hatred. And there will also be more disasters happening throughout the world some will be natural, and some will be manmade to look like they are natural disasters as the manmade disasters creates more fear and suffering, there will also be more strange weather patterns but do reflect on the energy of Goodwill.

You humans have that beautiful adage ‘Goodwill to all Men’ but sometimes this beautiful adage also captures the words ‘Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Men’. This is the energy that the planet is going forward, where there is more awareness of consequences and that actions must happen to create more positive changes.

Since certain periods in time: since Lemurian, since the Golden Age of Atlantis and this was before Atlantis became destructive, since the great Arthurian era of discoveries – do not be fooled into thinking that these periods are only legends and have not existed because they are legends with existence. There have been a few other Golden periods on earth but our words will not become a book in explaining further instead our words will share simplicity. The present energy of this beautiful planet is replicating the energy of Arthurian where there was unity, where there was greater consciousness, and that there was strides of discovery relating to the Chalice energy of purity, feel honoured that you are here, honour yourself, understand that you are voyaging here because your soul wishes to be here, rejoice.

As the planet’s consciousness is rising, then this allows opportunities to happen that will lead to more Goodwill, remember the adage that was shared earlier ‘Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Men’ pay attention to these words they are powerful words to share.   But also relate to that it has been advised that the old energy will try and control and create fear, but you must view yourself above the fears and relate to your own power, your own beauty, your own sense of who you are, and feel yourself shedding your outer covering and becoming the light that you are. 

Your voice can speak out, you can through your actions create positive, you can through your thoughts create positive, you are becoming lighter, you are become brighter, you are becoming exposed to the Chalice of yourself and is it possible that you could become the Chalice.

You might ask what is the Chalice, it is purity energy without blemishes, it is the greatness of yourself, and for some the Chalice will be representative of rituals, for some the Chalice will be representative of what Christ drank from at the last super but surely that is also important to reflect that if Christ drank from the Chalice then his energy has ensured that you can become purity energy whilst you adorn your beautiful earthly form.”   

“Being in love….
What a powerful emotion to feel – being in love.

Being in love it turns your world upside down, it makes you feel things so much deeper, it allows you freedom to be who you truly are.
Please place your hand on your heart, and pledge to yourself that you are in love, and you are in love with yourself; that you are in love with your specialness, that you are truly deserving of being in love.
This is actually an important message, and one that I would love for you to listen to. As a dog, I loved myself so greatly: I loved my physical body, as a soul a spiritual being when I was in my dog form I also loved my soul so greatly, as a soul residing in the spiritual heavens I love my soul so greatly and all I can feel is love, love buzzing through me, love circulating around me. And I wish for others to experience being in love with themselves whilst they live in their physical body.
Being truly in love with yourself, is the most important thing that you can ever do, it holds more elite, more quality, more specialness, more sacredness than anything else you have ever done.
Be in love with yourself, feel your own specialness, feel your sacredness and raise a glass to toast who you are, and be full of pride for who you are.
Humans find it so easy to surround themselves with shame, to surround themselves with regrets, to surround themselves with ‘oh if only I had known’ or ‘if only I had done it all differently’ but you must focus on your own needs and relate to that you do love yourself.
Do not turn away from loving yourself.
Loving yourself is the most powerful energy you can surrender too.
You might not realise or recognise the power of what I have shared, but if you do recognise the power of what I have shared then you are truly in love with yourself.
Let’s pause for a moment and feel your own vibe – what do you sense, what do you feel. Are you not magnificent just as you are, are you not truly splendid, are you not created from Creation Energy – are you not a divine being, and yes, do play along with me but it isn’t play I just need you to command yourself, to project yourself into the energy of truly loving yourself or recognising how much you truly love being you.
What a special sacred lesson it is to step into energy of truly loving who you actually are!!! Be kind on yourself, do not be your own harshest critic, instead learn to be kind to yourself and if you are kind to yourself then you are also listening to your own needs and not holding yourself as a victim, or holding moral judgement against yourself, or holding energy that you are inferior – you are not inferior – you are perfect as you are…and if you have learnt to be kinder to yourself then you are truly stepping more and more into the energy of loving who you are and this will in turn allow you to love others with more compassion, with more tenderness and with unconditional love. You are love, I am love, and you are greatly loved!!!
I am not asking you not to be aware of what is not good for you, instead I am asking you to be totally aware of what is great for you.”

Lynx sharing “There have been prophecies that have been given to this planet from the Star Nations relating to the Rainbow Prophecy….
We are not copycats, and we won’t be sharing word for word what another has shared relating to the Rainbow Prophecy instead we will use our own words but the words are also held in the Universal Wisdom so there will be some similarity.

The Rainbow Prophecy is relating to that one day when the world needs healing, many beings of brightness the Rainbow Warriors will return and be united in their efforts, these beings of brightness will be leaders of greatness, not necessarily political leaders, but ones who stand with the same song etched on themselves. And this song speaks to humanity. This song that speaks of goodwill, that speaks of great changes for humanity, and the great changes will be taught to others so that there is a legacy for the future.

The Rainbow Warrior leader’s their energy is becoming known, they do not seek recognition but they are given recognition for who they are, and many will join them in their efforts so that there is a mass consciousness energy associated with this.

Their (Rainbow Warrior leaders) energy are rising and they are becoming known due to the world is very troublesome at the moment, incredible movement in the landscape relating to the earth plates, the poles are shifting, global warming, incredible shifts of energy on many different levels – land, the sea & atmosphere – also physical bodies and attached to the physical bodies are mental thoughts, emotional feelings, consciousness.

And humanity needs the Rainbow Warriors to hold the energy, to bring forth new changes, to stand strong, and unite the People so that the People become the Rainbows of All There Is.

There is also energy at the present time of so much hostility being bandied around to cause more fear in others, to stop the advancing of consciousness. Some create worldwide fear to control the masses, and this stops the world buzzing ahead into greater avenues of consciousness…….

Due to all we have shared the Rainbow Warriors of the Prophecy have much work to do.
Do not set fear into our messages because this will not help anyone least of all you. Instead set heart into our messages and work towards what is good, what can be achieved, and step into energy of great awareness but also step into the energy of your own sacredness and beauty, and hold the light, hold the light, and hold onto your unquestionable faith in who you are, and what you are here to do.”

Beautiful Cats shared their special message about the Healing Power of their Purr for the May 2015 newsletter. 

From Cats: “Our purr is a gift to this planet, a special sublime gift and  each cat’s purr will capture different magic, different music and music is healing – magic and music combined together is powerful.

When a cat purrs they do so for various reasons, to share their own delight of themselves with themselves and this is deeply healing for a cat to be surrounded by their own delight. Imagine if you could smile and feel the depth of the smile in every cell within you and this is similar to what a cat feels when they purr – that every cell within themselves is surrounded by their own smile.

Could it be possible that the cat is turning their smile on themselves and yes it is possible and this is why the vibration of cat’s purr is magical and musical but capturing the essence of the smile.

What happens when you smile and this is a true smile when your eyes shine bright, when you smile sends out a beam of happiness… what do you feel? Don’t your spirits lift a little a bit higher but what about the one that you smile at don’t you bring the one that you smile at laughter, warmth, caring, light and joy due to sharing your own smile with them –  you are turning your charms of gratification onto another who in turn is lifted in  your energy.

Simply beautiful to receive a genuine smile from another, and  if you encounter a cat who is purring this is what cat’s purrs shares with you the beauty of their smile – their inner smile of beauty that captures a smiling vibration that fills your  human cells with smile energy and the humans cells are beautified due to the sharing exchange of the magical musical note of cat’s purr has dived deep into their cells and in turn the cells of the body are not necessarily healed but are full of joy, and if enough joy could flood your cells then this lifts your energy, lifts your presence, lifts your purpose, lifts your heart higher and allows you to be freer in yourself, freer in your energy and not so stifled.

So no wonder cats purrs are gifts to this planet. No wonder cats have amazing healing ability just by our sheer presence and if a cat is happy and not stifled in thought or energy and satisfied with life’s pleasures and still [calm] in energy then a  cat will step into their smiling energy and share this with you – by gently wrapping their body around your lower legs and purring away, or straddling your chest and purring away, or curled up beside you and purring away, or warming your toes in bed and purring away.

Listen to cat’s purr, feel cat’s purr vibrate through you and feel the cells of yourself smile with pleasure, smile with delight, smile with gratification.  And after reading our simple message you will now be aware of the Radiance of Cats Purr.”

Last week on Facebook people put up their hands wanting to read Swan’s Message, below is the chapter dedicated to Swans from my manuscript FOOTSTEPS by Torino Wolfhound & the Animal Kingdom – (author) Faye Rogers.

[From Torino Wolfhound] The Bird Kingdom I have already shared about beautiful Birds and discovery.  I have shared messages relating to Eagle & Dove, also Owl and Penguin messages, I am going to share further on Birds.

As Footsteps is a journey book the various Bird species I have shared about has been steps forward, all messages tie in together, all messages add more heightened awareness. I would love to share about all species of beautiful Birds, but this isn’t practical as it would take many many decades of sharing of words and messages to capture all that is of the Bird Kingdom.

I hope my messages keep you spellbound so that you wish to discover more about the little Birds that might gather in your garden or Birds that you might sight at different places that you visit. 

Today I am ready to share about Swans – let us look at the energy of Swans – beautiful majestic regal Swans. Swans are the King and Queen of the Bird Kingdom – their energy is associated with water energy so that there is fluidity and movement always. Even the way Swan drapes their neck signifies something so beautiful. Even the way Swan flies without much effort for a Bird their size but also the shape that they outline in the sky signifies something so beautiful and breath taking. When Swans are flying they are seeking – they are open to visions – visions of youth, visions of joy, visions of calmness. Watch out for those ‘nasty’ Swan beaks as they do have the habit of biting; Swans are greatly protective – their essence is of protection.

From the mystery of the wonderful children’s tale ‘Ugly Duckling’ and how a Cygnet can transform into a beautiful Swan but on the journey Ugly Duckling had much to discover about the brutality of life but then transformed into the beauty of life – powerful messages captured in a simple tale – incredibly powerful message. 

Also interesting that Cygnus Constellation is called after Swan due to the shape of the constellation has captured Swan – powerful stuff! And you might be shaking your head wondering where I am going with this message but shouldn’t the King and Queen of the Bird Kingdom be seen as powerful and shouldn’t they take on the form of a Constellation. Also understand that there are little chances in life that these sightings in the night sky are also evident on earth; that one species is here for special reasons but also they have captured the essence of a special constellation.

Swans will generally mate for life and this carries the essence of fidelity.  I call on Swan to share their own message………

“Dear people, we are great gifts to this world. We share our essence with the world and what is the world – do ask yourself this – is your world narrow and confined or is your world broad and expansive?

We are Birds that are associated with royalty and much has been written about us, and there is great truth in many of the writings shared about us because behind the writings there are important messages – do seek messages in all that you read, all that you sight, and allow the messages to relate to your own energy.  

Call on Swan Medicine when you desire grace, fidelity and transformation.

Swans are beautiful Birds, we are the King and Queen of Birds whereas Eagles are Power Birds and they are different due to their association with Sun Energy whereas Swans are associated with Water Energy. And yes of course Eagles are prey birds, but let’s not get too pedantic with the messages that are shared, be in your heart, and be receptive to receiving, be open and read on……… 

When Swan comes to support you in your journey know that you are blessed with grace, with fidelity and transformation.

Do you feel heavy and afraid? Call on Swan who with their grace can help you wade through the obstacles of life.

Fidelity is truth and this is truth to yourself – fidelity is much more than this as it can also be fidelity in all relationships so therefore when you need alliance with another call on Swan to assist.  

Transformation, there is much written about the Ugly Duckling who turned into a beautiful Swan. Young Swans do not exhibit the grace in form as an adult Swan so therefore this is Swan’s essence – transformation by finding grace and beauty within yourself.

To find your own true beauty to discover your true self Swan is able to bridge the gap between the reality of your physical body and reality of your spiritual body so therefore Swan is a powerful Power Animal to help you discover your true self of beauty.”

Oh, there are many legends involving beautiful Swans and I will casually outline a few……

In Greek Mythology Leda and the Swan and the conception of Helen of Troy are well known legends. Ireland there is the legend of Children of the Lir. In Hinduism the Goddess Saraswati who is the Goddess of Knowledge is portrayed sometimes riding a Swan or a Swan resting by her feet. In the Vedic literature people who have attained great wisdom are sometimes called Paramahamsa [‘Great Swan’] due to their ability to travel between various spiritual worlds. Swan’s essence is even captured in one of the most beautiful ballet created ‘Swan Lake’; you will maybe be familiar with this ballet of the beautiful Princess Odette turned into a Swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse who is Swan by day and human by night, this beautiful ballet depicts loves struggles due to others but also undying love, of choices made due to loving another so brightly, of breaking the spell and ascending to heaven of eternity.

When one thinks of Swans one thinks of the beautiful White Mute Swan but also we must not forget the Black Swan. These magical Birds that are found throughout Australia are also native to New Zealand and nowadays the Black Swan also resides in many other countries as they have been exported due to their beauty, their majestic presence, their colour of density so dark and what does this advice one of? The Black Swan still carries the same symbolism of the White Swan but also, they carry mystery, they carry great power, they are also connected greatly with the great Swan constellation. The White Swan also has extra energy of youth, and the Black Swan has extra energy of knowing – think about what I have just shared – youth isn’t ignorance but youth is fresh pure and beautiful and extra knowing is mysticism the allure of the unknown – and that is the difference between the White and Black Swans that honour our planet with their graceful forms and energy of specialness.

Three days ago [12th December] I shared on Facebook the postings about the little kitten in Southland [New Zealand] who was cruelly stoned to death by a small group of teenagers. I shared the video in the hope that it would lead to the offenders to stop them harming others, and they in turn need counseling or their own home situations looked at in case their home situation has caused them to carry out such a horrific act. And then on the [13th December] I shared the update that the offenders had been found and were aged between 11 years & 16 years of age.

Since viewing the video, I have held the little precious kitten in love, light & healing. Also I have had people messaging me asking if I could share a blessing for the kitten and for the situation, and because of this I asked beautiful Hero Wolfhound (who is female) if she would share divine words of love that would assist with the suffering of others and Hero has given us an exercise to create more light, more caring that we can then share with others. Thank you sweetheart Hero.

From Hero “If the entire world of humans could plug into their heart energy, into their compassionate caring emotional heart and the heart energy because of the numbers involved would be amplified and uplifting, and the brilliance of light shining would be similar to what would be viewed from a polished faceted diamond that is capturing every Ray of Light, and this Ray of Light would allow deep healing and restoration for ALL that is of this planet.

Because the entire world of humans at this stage of their own evolution are not quite ready to plug into their own brilliance of light, then you as ONE can actually do this, and your own energy will magnify, and you can create a Bridge of Light that you then can forward to situations: of discord, of cruelty, of misjustice and the more that are involved in creating the Bridge of Light for another or for a situation then the more the energy will be amplified and magnified.

You will have your own special sacred way of creating your Bridge of Light, but if you need a little bit of guidance then I will guide you with gentle words. …….

Position yourself wherever you wish to be, but I assume you will be sitting in front of your computer on a chair whilst you are reading my words, but you can do this exercise wherever you wish too, you can be sitting or lying down and some of the words that will follow you can use your imagination and sense energetically regardless of your pose.

My words for you to create more light, to create a Bridge of Light. ………

Feel your feet solidly on the floor, feel your backbone, and sense a beam of light travelling in your backbone and this beam of light is like the DNA shape which is actually many infinity symbols that are locked together, and the Ray of Light is twirling dancing splendidly through your backbone, and this beautiful liberating Ray of Light is allowing you to feel within, to associate with your own heart essence. This Ray of Light is uplifting you, and you are finding incredible deep peace within yourself. Whilst you are feeling experiencing the Ray of Light travelling twirling dancing through your spine and then sense your energy of compassion, and allow your own heart energy to be held in Wings of Love, and the Wings of Love are allowing your heart energy to travel to where it must go.

Send this energy of love caring compassion to whoever needs this and this could be an animal that has been mistreated, this could be to a human who needs your support, this could be to someone who is ill,  this could be to a community that needs your support, this could be to a species that needs your support, this could be to the landscape, this could be to the waterways, this could be to the trees, this could be to the sky that surrounds you, this could be to a project that will bring good to many, this could be to a cause that you are involved in, this could be to corruption that is affecting one or affecting many, this could be to governing politics that are making choices that are not for the well-being of the masses… Just allow this divine exercise to be, do not try and stifle or overthink just let it happen.