
……..if you wish to do this, do look into your own heart centre. And when you look into your heart centre – feel the energy of joy, actually feel this – ask to see ‘joy’ as a golden glowing light and let this golden glowing joy light surround your body form – like a beautiful vibrancy settling around your aura. And then allow this beautiful vibrancy to seep through all your cells – it is like taking a personal body wash of vibrancy. So please do sit and try this and feel your energy vibrancy going up further.

Also, for people that have animals, reach out and touch one of your animals if they are a touchable species when you can. But do not hurry this touching. Just sit or stand quietly and touch your animal. Allow all personal impressions to come to you; you will have to still your mind and then sense your own animal’s characteristics, sense their inner beauty, sense their goodwill, sense their awareness, sense if they have worries, but allow yourself to receive from your beautiful animal in this way. This is being in touch with yourself and being in touch with an animal who has dedicated their life and heart to you, and to your family just as you have dedicated yourself to your animal which is of your heart.

When you are doing the sensing with your beloved animal – feel your senses becoming more heightened and everything becoming quieter, almost like time has little meaning; you don’t have to rush away, you can honour the moment of beauty, you don’t have to be thinking forward of what you are going to do in the next minute. And this small exercise only takes a minute of your time or can take many minutes of your time – NO SEPARATION” 

“Good fortune is so firmly attached to one that has Seal as a Power Animal.

Do you dream big? Do your dreams exceed what you experience? Do your dreams sometimes still your heart due to spectacularness? Do your dreams inspire you? Do your dreams create different positive realities? Do your dreams keep you buoyant and weightless?

These are very important questions that we Seals asks of you. Because if you need to dream big, then turn to Seal to help with your dreams. If you are feeling stifled, turn to Seal to free you. If you lack inspiration, then turn to Seal to bring you the beauty of inspiration. If you need to create different realities, and all have this need at times, then turn to Seal to help you create different realities. Do not become stuck with the past, instead, be the energy of the present and the energy of the future. 

This might seem strange to add the words ‘do not become stuck with the past’ as Seal is of ancientness, but we are also the energy of the present, and of the future, and we are not stuck with the past.

We are aware of the past – poignantly aware of the past – but we are so tuned into the present energy then this means we can create new.

As has been shared that part of Seals’ role here on Earth is to be so highly aware of the energy of the planet. And to be in this role, then we are working with the present energy, but we are also aware of how the energy was in the past, but we are not stuck with this – we are also so greatly aware that the present will allow the future.

Do you believe in parallel lives, parallel universes? Maybe you don’t believe in parallel lives, parallel universes? But if you do believe in parallel lives and parallel universes, and wish to investigate these further, then allow Seal to be a guide for you.

If you have a strong association with Lemuria or are fascinated with Lemuria, then you will most likely capture some of the Seals’ essences with you, and part of your soul will be captive of Lemuria. But this isn’t to keep you stuck because being aware of the wisdom that isn’t of the present will still allow you to be present. And there will be times when your own wisdom will jump forward with complete ease, and you will astound yourself because of your wisdom and also astound others.

Seals can teach you to listen to your own song of specialness. We all capture our own song, and the notes that are relating to you will vibrate at their own beauty, their own tempo, their own sacredness.

If you wish to hear your own ‘song’, then turn to Seals and feel our presence, feel our power, feel the lyrical musical notes come forward of your own song. 

Many famous composers, musicians and ones that love music with a passion have Seal accompanying them.

You would have heard of the legends of the Mermaid Sirens, whose music entrapped sailors but also set them free. Maybe you have heard of the Selkies? The stories of the Selkies were recorded centuries ago.

“When angels fell, some fell on the land, some on the sea. The former are the faeries, and the latter was often said to be the Seals.” Anonymous Orcadian

Mermaids, Mermen, and Selkies have captured imaginations for a very long time, and these are reminders of Lemuria. And there is always truth in legends. Mythological legends hold great truth, not how you weigh the truth of having to have material evidence that you can see or feel, but just knowing is also the truth. And these legends of the Merpeople have come about due to us Seals, due to the ancientness of our roots that capture so much importance, so much possibility. And ones that see Mermaids, Mermen, and Selkies are linking back to the various ‘Worlds’ caught in this time frame but a captive of other time frames of realities.

Mermaids are sometimes portrayed as horrible monsters, but if you look at the words that we Seals have shared ‘You would have heard of the legends of the Mermaid Sirens, whose music entrapped sailors but also set them free.’ And maybe if you alter the word ‘entrapped’ with the words ‘held captive in the heart’ as the heart will always set one free.

We Seals are a Power Animal of the heart and can set you free due to helping you be in your heart and becoming more aware. Maybe Seal isn’t the Power Animal for you due to you do not feel a connection to Lemuria but remember, Seal is of the heart, and therefore we are not controlling who works with us or who doesn’t work with us. But if you want to be more in the heart of your own self and you are struggling with this, then turn to Seal, but if you are not in your heart, Seal will try and instruct you on this but only if you are ready for this as the heart will set you free.”

Three days ago [12th December] I shared on Facebook the postings about the little kitten in Southland [New Zealand] who was cruelly stoned to death by a small group of teenagers. I shared the video in the hope that it would lead to the offenders to stop them harming others, and they in turn need counseling or their own home situations looked at in case their home situation has caused them to carry out such a horrific act. And then on the [13th December] I shared the update that the offenders had been found and were aged between 11 years & 16 years of age.

Since viewing the video, I have held the little precious kitten in love, light & healing. Also I have had people messaging me asking if I could share a blessing for the kitten and for the situation, and because of this I asked beautiful Hero Wolfhound (who is female) if she would share divine words of love that would assist with the suffering of others and Hero has given us an exercise to create more light, more caring that we can then share with others. Thank you sweetheart Hero.

From Hero “If the entire world of humans could plug into their heart energy, into their compassionate caring emotional heart and the heart energy because of the numbers involved would be amplified and uplifting, and the brilliance of light shining would be similar to what would be viewed from a polished faceted diamond that is capturing every Ray of Light, and this Ray of Light would allow deep healing and restoration for ALL that is of this planet.

Because the entire world of humans at this stage of their own evolution are not quite ready to plug into their own brilliance of light, then you as ONE can actually do this, and your own energy will magnify, and you can create a Bridge of Light that you then can forward to situations: of discord, of cruelty, of misjustice and the more that are involved in creating the Bridge of Light for another or for a situation then the more the energy will be amplified and magnified.

You will have your own special sacred way of creating your Bridge of Light, but if you need a little bit of guidance then I will guide you with gentle words. …….

Position yourself wherever you wish to be, but I assume you will be sitting in front of your computer on a chair whilst you are reading my words, but you can do this exercise wherever you wish too, you can be sitting or lying down and some of the words that will follow you can use your imagination and sense energetically regardless of your pose.

My words for you to create more light, to create a Bridge of Light. ………

Feel your feet solidly on the floor, feel your backbone, and sense a beam of light travelling in your backbone and this beam of light is like the DNA shape which is actually many infinity symbols that are locked together, and the Ray of Light is twirling dancing splendidly through your backbone, and this beautiful liberating Ray of Light is allowing you to feel within, to associate with your own heart essence. This Ray of Light is uplifting you, and you are finding incredible deep peace within yourself. Whilst you are feeling experiencing the Ray of Light travelling twirling dancing through your spine and then sense your energy of compassion, and allow your own heart energy to be held in Wings of Love, and the Wings of Love are allowing your heart energy to travel to where it must go.

Send this energy of love caring compassion to whoever needs this and this could be an animal that has been mistreated, this could be to a human who needs your support, this could be to someone who is ill,  this could be to a community that needs your support, this could be to a species that needs your support, this could be to the landscape, this could be to the waterways, this could be to the trees, this could be to the sky that surrounds you, this could be to a project that will bring good to many, this could be to a cause that you are involved in, this could be to corruption that is affecting one or affecting many, this could be to governing politics that are making choices that are not for the well-being of the masses… Just allow this divine exercise to be, do not try and stifle or overthink just let it happen.


THREE-TOED SLOTHS ‘loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose’

It has been ages since I last blogged, but I thought over the next few months I would start sharing again some of the  beautiful insightful messages from the Animal Kingdom that have been shared in the newsletters.

Three-Toed Sloths are so sedentary that algae actually grows on their furry coat, their algae greenish tinted coat provides Three-Toed Sloths with a natural camouflage in their forested environment.

From the Consciousness of Three-Toed Sloths

“Our World is the same as your World, we have perils & pitfalls to overcome, we have to be selective in what we do & this is no different for you is it!

We move in our bodies, we see things through our eyes, we taste through our mouths, and we hear through our ears just like the majority of humans do. But our sensing of the World is different than yours, we move at the pace that we do and some might suggest the pace is leisurely but our pace is perfect for us, it allows us to experience every nuance and even though the speed that we travel at this can endanger us as we cannot get away from fast moving machinery or from predators who have the ability to move at the speed of light compared to our speed.

On occasions we do sometimes move at a reasonable pace, or what we see as a reasonable pace but even when we move at a reasonable pace things are ‘slower more sure more steady more calm’ except if we were frightened or terrified then our energy would still be moving at a reasonable pace but with energy of worry tagging along with us.

If you could slow life down for a day what would you feel, would you get bored due to life is too slow for you? If you actually slowed life down for a day then your sensing is also slowed down so it isn’t like you would be waiting for time instead you would be in sync with time, just as you are now, just as we are in sync with time.

We absorb so much due to the speed that we travel, due to the speed that we associate with, due to the speed of our own time, and this is a special experience for us. The opportunity to be in our bodies is terrific, we glorify being who we are, and we are the ancient old men or old women of some of the rain-forests of this World.

We are privileged to live where we live but the privilege is being stripped away from us due to man’s interference in the natural cycle of earth – destroy the forests and you also destroy the cycles of earth.

As a species we are humanitarians & create and this is due to many live on us. Our fur captures algae, our fur contains cracks that collects rainwater & acts as it’s own eco-system which allows algae & other life forms to live on us. The other life forms that live on us many are unique, we also have a need for some of the insects that we host, a need for the algae to assist us with camouflage – all that live on us are normally in harmony with us and we in turn are normally are in harmony with them – no wonder we are humanitarians. Our actual species energy also creates a nurturing energy to our forested areas – this is our actual energy that sings out to the forest – a nurturing energy of beauty.

Cities that are fast can be on our doorsteps and we might venture out into your cities and what we see through our eyes & what we sense through our energy when we view the city life is incredible. What we see if we journey into your cities is that when you humans are walking through your cities we see and feel every footstep, we feel the vibration deep within the earth of the moving traffic, we hear noises that are varied, we see litter lying on the ground, we also see poverty,and we see humans who are shamed by their actions that they do unto others but we also see humans who are energy of gladness. The only way to explain what we see to you so that you understand further what we see… if you looked at an old movie that was on set on a slow speed and this speed will allow the movie to capture every tiny bit of movement and depending on the speed of the movie it might even capture the hair moving on arms or even veins of plants full of vitality due to the brilliance of movement is captured. We are ‘still’ but ‘we are not still’ because we experience so much.

What special messages do we have to share with humans who are receptive to hearing from us, and that is the message of ‘loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose.’

Being loyal to what you love and if you love this planet then you will act loyal in your actions.

Being charming in the footsteps that you take – watch our movement then you will know what it is meant by ‘being charming in the footsteps that you take’ as every footstep that we take is charming and even though we are mainly use our arms for navigation through the forested areas that are our homes we are moving – this is footsteps of great charm as we are loving the experience the joy of movement and we are not sedentary in what we do as we are moving with charm, pleasure, with hope and with forward.

Of course we do not expect you to move at our pace & we are not asking you to walk slow everywhere you go INSTEAD we are suggesting that you walk with charmed footsteps so that in your journey you find fulfillment, carry hope for others, and bring forward positivity.

Charmed is a word that is sometimes associated with magic but do look for the magic in yourself, be aware of that you are magical, that you capture your own intensity of life and the intensity of life is of great specialness.

We see ourselves as magical due to our experiences are not stifled in what we feel.

Ease of purpose, what quaint speech we capture but this is being purposeful in what you do but also being at ease in what you do, you could play with these words further and if you think of ‘ease & purpose’ then maybe you also have to be easier on yourself, easier on others, easier on your environment and have purpose when you are in this energy of being easier with purpose then you will actually achieve more. Do not replace ‘easier’ with words of ‘lazy’ or ‘sedentary’ because then you will not achieve with lazy purpose because you will snuff out your feelings or your ability to do.

You might think we are resentful towards humans due to what we have shared but we are not resentful we are concerned Citizens of the World and this is ‘Our World’ – Our World is Your World”

Initially, I was resistant to being on Facebook when Poppy daughter first created a Facebook page for me, and the page lay dormant for a few years, with little input from me. And then over time I felt comfortable with using Facebook, and loved sharing from the heart, and loved others also sharing from their heart on this page, and also listening to others viewpoints and learning from people who have shared or spoken out or corrected (thank you).

When Facebook numbers grew to the first 100 likes WOW, and then to 200 Likes WHOOPEE and at 200 likes I gratitude for facebook likes Faye Rogers Animal Communication decided how I wanted this Facebook page to be and wanted this page to have a community feel where people could feel comfortable for hanging around but could also exchange ideas freely and be respectful to others. And when I reached the big milestone of 1000 likes AMAZING, and numbers kept growing, when reaching 1200+ likes Facebook did a re-scramble and many business pages that had numbers over 500 were grumbling they were losing numbers real fast, my numbers slid down to below 1000 but have steadily risen since then, numbers of likes are now approaching 1,800 AND SOME WEEKS I have 23,000+ visits to the page (the number of times the page has been visited in one week) and the page has held the community activity due to exchanges of ideas & sharing …

So so thankful for all the likes, for all the inputs,for the outrage we have felt at times due to some posting, for the inspiration, for the passion, and also for the laughter, and LOVE. And big thanks for when I ask your opinion the response that follows is wonderful. Sending you all love and big thanks to everyone who has liked, and contributed through comments, who has shared views openly & shared through constructive feedback, and also shared the postings & posters on their own page, or tagged their friends.

A couple of years ago, I actually added this info to Impressum on Facebook page as I had came up with Vision, Mission, Motto & Objective on what I wanted the Facebook page to represent, and this still holds true for today:

To have a page where people can express how they feel but are also respectful to others, a place to share their love for animals & for the environment

“My dedication is to a vision – a vision of beauty, love, joy, trust, humanity and BALANCE FOR ALL” – Faye Rogers

Faye’s Mission:
To share with others (humans) how to reconnect with their own power of self – encouragement without limitation.
To deepen the bonds between humans & animals by sharing & encouraging others (humans) how to be in touch with the Animal Kingdom – to bring balance, awareness, harmony between humans & animals.
To raise awareness & consciousness relating to animals, people, humanity and the environment.
To work towards deeper peace for all – humans, animals & environment.
To share awareness that we humans have been entrusted to care for others but also entrusted with being who we truly are – not being influenced by how others think we should be but of stepping into our true SELF with PURPOSE as SHINING LIGHTS; our purpose is to be true to ourselves so that we can be true to others.
To be the vessel for the animal’s thoughts, feelings, wisdom & humour and to encourage others to listen to the Animals, listen to Nature that surrounds them with respect & caring.


To bring together a Community of like-minded People who stand strong, who SING THE SAME SONG OF HUMANITY to raise awareness & consciousness
relating to animals, people & environment.


No separateness. To hold energy of sacredness. To be custodians of the present. To be in energy of encouragement, love, passion & inspiration. To be energy of a Community that truly cares for others. To be love.