This was a pure delight to receive. I held no expectations, all I knew was there were a lot of pictures I had collected over the years of unicorns, and that I hold them in great regard.
So when two unicorns stepped forward, I felt doubly blessed. And their messages encouraged me to do things with my life that I realise I have always wanted to do, but struggled with. And that was to bring balance into my life, and to get creative. Of course there were many other very interesting pointers, every one of them striking a cord deep within me, like they were seeing into my soul, which, indeed, they were.
As far as seeking balance in my life, I have always gone from one extreme to the other, trying to find that happy medium. My astrological chart confirms this fact. So to read of the unicorns’ wisdom regarding this matter was very supportive and comforting.
Since the unicorns reading, my creative juices are flowering! And there is so much I want to do….the encouragement offered to me by them was like a gentle push, just like my Mum used to give me as a child.
All in all, this was a very enlightening and uplifting experience. I wholeheartedly recommend contacting Faye for one of these readings. Like me, you will never know what message is in store for you…until you get one!