Facebook Page: Vision, Mission, Motto & Objective

Initially, I was resistant to being on Facebook when Poppy daughter first created a Facebook page for me, and the page lay dormant for a few years, with little input from me. And then over time I felt comfortable with using Facebook, and loved…

I am ready to burst out of a chrysalis, with wings gently drying, and relating to fresh new designs for me

I am wondering who else is feeling the same??? I know I am in the middle of a transitioning phase, and "I am ready to burst out of a chrysalis, with wings gently drying, and relating to fresh new designs for me". We are continuously getting…

Facebook Tribe Shares 'What Makes Animals Such A Vital Part Of Your Life'

Jakki : Gosh animals were my haven when I was young - we only had a cat but I used to sneak into the neighbours dog kennels, and then I got old enough to get myself to the horse paddocks. Animals have no agendas and totally accept you as you…

Hey, Faye Meets A Giant Petrel

Visiting Hagley Park this week for a catch-up girly lunch, bought back a wonderful memory involving a Southern Giant Petrel. Now this all happened 10 years ago, I had taken Poppy into the city during the weekend. And we had parked at Hagley…

Buzz Buzz "Time Spent In Tauranga"

22nd January saw me heading towards Tauranga, catching an early morning flight to Auckland - I was born and raised in Auckland and always great to fly into 'my old hometown', and then another flight onto Tauranga. Window seats on both flights,…

first blog post INSPIRATION

My first blog post on website. I have been blogging for a few years on facebook & sharing snippets of info, pouring my heart out, also protesting & rejecting what doesn't hold true for me.  When I started to think about having…