“As you ascend on your spiritual journey, you are undergoing a profound transformation.

You are clearing away the cobwebs of painful memories, bidding adieu to individuals you once believed would be lifelong friends, and embracing new expectations that resonate more deeply with your evolving self.

Your inner light is not just flickering; it is blazing brightly, illuminating the path ahead and revealing your true essence.

You are a beacon of beauty and strength, attracting souls who match your energetic vibration.

This journey of growth is not one to be taken lightly, nor is it one to pause or doubt.

Embrace the expansiveness of your being, continue to elevate, and let your light shine unapologetically.

You are not just moving forward; you are ascending towards a higher version of yourself, surrounded by those who are truly aligned with your spirit.

Keep growing, keep expanding, and let the Universe reflect back the brilliance of your light.”

We, the Mountain Gorillas, are divine beings of light.

Because you are reading our message, feel our hearts’ energy. Then, feel your own heart’s energy. Allow our hearts to dance together in a beautiful, spiralling dance.

When hearts dance together, magic unfolds. You are created from stardust.

While our words may sound poetic, consider the possibility that you are a star being.

Are you a star being? If the answer is YES, continue reading. If the answer is NO, continue reading.

Earth is your home, as it is ours. Earth is a living being with needs. She requires care so she can continue to prosper to provide. If you strip away from ‘mama,’ she will have no more to give. But if you respect, care for, and nurture ‘mama’ she will always give.

Returning to our question about whether you are a star being, and if your answer is NO, we invite you to recognise your own light. See the stardust that swirls around you. If you felt our hearts intertwining with yours, if you felt our hearts dancing together, then you are indeed a star being.

Our discussion now focuses on the present energy. We, the Mountain Gorillas, possess profound wisdom. We are star beings of greatness residing on Earth, tendered to by Earth as she provides for our needs. Remember, we mentioned Earth has needs too, and we respect her.

Our attention now turns to you, the human star beings living on Earth. We, the Mountain Gorillas, applaud you—yes, applaud you—we applaud you for your efforts, we applaud you for the starlight that emits from you, and we applaud you for being YOU.

This world can be very shaky at times, and we Mountain Gorillas know all about shakiness, as our own environment is under threat, which in turn threatens our species’ survival. As a species we have at times been warred on by humans, but nowadays there is governorship of guarding us from warring humans, and we are here because of humans’ governorship of guarding us, and we are protected, but some humans do not recognise that we are protected, and we are then faced with carnage.

For many human star beings, 2024 has been a year of massive growth. You’ve peeled back layers, become more expansive, and more aware—yes, we applaud you. You are walking with humanity.

‘Walking with humanity—what an odd expression, yet the words ring true.

When hearts open, becoming more expansive and aware, they recognise not only their own needs but also the needs of others.

2024 isn’t over yet, and 2025 is just around the corner. The next few weeks for many will pass swiftly, and before you know it, you will be welcoming a new year.

Let’s focus our energy on the present. You humans celebrate a new year, but let’s celebrate today, for it is also NEW.

From our hearts to yours, feel our hearts dancing together. Let us share together a prayer for humanity, please read our next words out loud:

‘May there be ease in the world, may there be tenderness. May the arms that cause mayhem and destruction be laid to rest. May all walk as brothers and sisters, regardless of species, creed, or gender, and by linking arms, may there be a continuity of peace.'”

Revisiting Messages – Torino Wolfhound, recorded by Faye Rogers on 22/4/2012
To find joy one has to sense this about themselves.  To be a dog is a joyful creation, and to exhibit dog joy is pure pleasure. 

Life is truly beautiful, and the beauty of life exists in all of us. 

To understand that all answers are held within one but one needs the time to pursue their own inner being of wisdom and must make time to do this. 

Our lives are a journey and we must walk with great joy on our journey.

In our journey, we experience positive and negative, but what is negative? Is it something of our own making or part of our journey that we asked to experience? Maybe a bit of both, but we must understand that the positive will always overcome the negative, so always smile, always cherish your own beauty, and always give blessings to all that you have.

I love my dog scrunchies [rubs] that you give me. I love rolling in the beautiful smells of the forbidden. I love exploring, and I am free—always so free. I cannot be penned in. I have my own agenda, but I also have to abide by rules, and rules are not easy to abide by because of the freedom that I exhibit in my soul. 

Like the waves that break on the shore, this is the continuation of life and the moving of time, so never forget this – do experience life, gather your dreams to yourself, and discover your own dreams. Do not hesitate, do not pause in your journey – do take time to reflect on the way, and you will be astounded at all you have experienced.

Do keep a journal highlighting the beauty of your life and who you are.

Do not stop, do not give up; just live for the moment, and the moment is yours.

Grab every moment as it comes to you and abandon yourself with your beauty.

Understand that you are a truly beautiful being, and this will bring more joy to you and freedom in yourself; understand that you asked to experience this life, and once you understand this, then you can walk freer.

Understand what you see as negative. Once you understand the negative – then the negative can leave you but only if you desire the negative to leave you. Do you constantly repeat the same negative over and over again? Are you attracting negativity and maybe this is your journey to experience this, or is it energy that you are carrying due to being told you are of little value or are unimportant in the big scheme of things?  If it is your journey that you asked to experience something negative so that you may grow and evolve from this, then once you sight/recognise the negative and ask this energy to go – it will go from you – do not hold onto this – let it go – it is fear that keeps one trapped and fear to let go – so, therefore, there is only positive if you allow this to be. 

If you have been told that you amount to very little and whose thoughts are these—are they yours or has another given them to you to keep you trapped and powerless—do understand where this energy has come from. Once you understand then this can be eased away from you, and you will grow energetically due to being yourself.

You are on your life path, and you will walk it. What you will learn on the way will astound you, but you must reflect on your journey and on all that surrounds you.

What surrounds you – do you not see the beauty of the Autumn trees or the beauty of Spring if living in the Northern Hemisphere? The colour of autumn is the gathering of beautiful golden colours spread everywhere and brings calmness and a time for peace within one; the beauty of spring brings much freshness and joy and expands feelings of the beauty of new life.

What do Winter and Summer mean to you – reflect on these seasons and apply the seasons to your life! Is Winter a time for looking inward and reflecting on who you are and the mighty energy that you carry within you? Is Summer the energy of great abundance of energy?

Do think about your journey and how this relates to all that is around you.

Understand that your journey is unique—you are a unique being. Understand that the smiling flower that you viewed is unique, the blade of grass that you trod on is unique, and the bee that is harvesting—yes, harvesting because it is allowing abundance to come to you—is unique—just like the rolling waves that break on the shore that share the continuation of life and moving time with you.

What is moving time? Is it the storage of all historical evolution that you have experienced? Moving time is not necessarily capturing the seconds and minutes of your life but understanding that time is a journey, and your journey is now. Therefore, do not see time as wasted time or time that has disappeared; understand that time is how it should be for you.

Do not waste time looking for time or trying to make more time because you will not live and experience.

We all have fears and worries but it is being one with one self that the fears and worries can be less and this will allow attraction of higher energy to come to one, will allow the fears and worries to depart of altering of your own energy and that you can live with abundance and not be stuck in time of carrying energy that doesn’t allow you to capture your own time. 

Footsteps Manuscript recorded by Faye Rogers – excerpt from the chapter on Seals

“Good fortune is so firmly attached to one that has Seal as a Power Animal.

Do you dream big? Do your dreams exceed what you experience? Do your dreams sometimes still your heart due to spectacularness? Do your dreams inspire you? Do your dreams create different positive realities? Do your dreams keep you buoyant and weightless?

These are very important questions that we Seals asks of you. Because if you need to dream big, then turn to Seal to help with your dreams. If you are feeling stifled, turn to Seal to free you. If you lack inspiration, then turn to Seal to bring you the beauty of inspiration. If you need to create different realities, and all have this need at times, then turn to Seal to help you create different realities. Do not become stuck with the past, instead, be the energy of the present and the energy of the future. 

This might seem strange to add the words ‘do not become stuck with the past’ as Seal is of ancientness, but we are also the energy of the present, and of the future, and we are not stuck with the past.

We are aware of the past – poignantly aware of the past – but we are so tuned into the present energy then this means we can create new.

As has been shared that part of Seals’ role here on Earth is to be so highly aware of the energy of the planet. And to be in this role, then we are working with the present energy, but we are also aware of how the energy was in the past, but we are not stuck with this – we are also so greatly aware that the present will allow the future.

Do you believe in parallel lives, parallel universes? Maybe you don’t believe in parallel lives, parallel universes? But if you do believe in parallel lives and parallel universes, and wish to investigate these further, then allow Seal to be a guide for you.

If you have a strong association with Lemuria or are fascinated with Lemuria, then you will most likely capture some of the Seals’ essences with you, and part of your soul will be captive of Lemuria. But this isn’t to keep you stuck because being aware of the wisdom that isn’t of the present will still allow you to be present. And there will be times when your own wisdom will jump forward with complete ease, and you will astound yourself because of your wisdom and also astound others.

Seals can teach you to listen to your own song of specialness. We all capture our own song, and the notes that are relating to you will vibrate at their own beauty, their own tempo, their own sacredness.

If you wish to hear your own ‘song’, then turn to Seals and feel our presence, feel our power, feel the lyrical musical notes come forward of your own song. 

Many famous composers, musicians and ones that love music with a passion have Seal accompanying them.

You would have heard of the legends of the Mermaid Sirens, whose music entrapped sailors but also set them free. Maybe you have heard of the Selkies? The stories of the Selkies were recorded centuries ago.

“When angels fell, some fell on the land, some on the sea. The former are the faeries, and the latter was often said to be the Seals.” Anonymous Orcadian

Mermaids, Mermen, and Selkies have captured imaginations for a very long time, and these are reminders of Lemuria. And there is always truth in legends. Mythological legends hold great truth, not how you weigh the truth of having to have material evidence that you can see or feel, but just knowing is also the truth. And these legends of the Merpeople have come about due to us Seals, due to the ancientness of our roots that capture so much importance, so much possibility. And ones that see Mermaids, Mermen, and Selkies are linking back to the various ‘Worlds’ caught in this time frame but a captive of other time frames of realities.

Mermaids are sometimes portrayed as horrible monsters, but if you look at the words that we Seals have shared ‘You would have heard of the legends of the Mermaid Sirens, whose music entrapped sailors but also set them free.’ And maybe if you alter the word ‘entrapped’ with the words ‘held captive in the heart’ as the heart will always set one free.

We Seals are a Power Animal of the heart and can set you free due to helping you be in your heart and becoming more aware. Maybe Seal isn’t the Power Animal for you due to you do not feel a connection to Lemuria but remember, Seal is of the heart, and therefore we are not controlling who works with us or who doesn’t work with us. But if you want to be more in the heart of your own self and you are struggling with this, then turn to Seal, but if you are not in your heart, Seal will try and instruct you on this but only if you are ready for this as the heart will set you free.”