My lovely friend Accalia introduced me to one of the cats that she helps attends to at her local SPCA. This beautiful cat is a mama cat and has a very young kitten. The beautiful cat introduced herself to me as Angel, and Angel then shared her beautiful message.
from Angel Cat”I am a Beacon of Light and of course I am aware that there are many that are Beacons of Light, and each individual Beacon of Light will be a trifle different as my light emits a different vibrancy different reason than others which should be understandable.
We come here carrying all this light and it is truly splendid, my heart is love, my wings are stretched out, I am floating in my vibrancy of love & light and my wings are supporting me….but my wings are also nurturing me.
I am of Angelic energy, I am of Goddess energy enough though I am a mere cat, I am an Avatar of Light but I am more than this because I am exploring in my beautiful feline form and I am also cast in memories of other times I have walked on earth but also captured in energy of who I am as I am performing as this cat now.
This cat is relating to who I AM NOW and not relating to ALL that I AM because I still have to enjoy the journey ahead of me and explore through: my paws, through my whiskers, through my intelligence, through my heart, and I mustn’t be clouded in remembering ALL but allowed to be clothed in light to remember some of what will serve me well or clothed in the ability to be connected to my bigger self of wisdom when I need this, able to journey home with ease, and that is the beauty of being an animal being so in touch with what is happening around you but also so in touch with what is happening further afield but also in touch with higher energies that some might call the Greater Universe.”