
We, the Mountain Gorillas, are divine beings of light.

Because you are reading our message, feel our hearts’ energy. Then, feel your own heart’s energy. Allow our hearts to dance together in a beautiful, spiralling dance.

When hearts dance together, magic unfolds. You are created from stardust.

While our words may sound poetic, consider the possibility that you are a star being.

Are you a star being? If the answer is YES, continue reading. If the answer is NO, continue reading.

Earth is your home, as it is ours. Earth is a living being with needs. She requires care so she can continue to prosper to provide. If you strip away from ‘mama,’ she will have no more to give. But if you respect, care for, and nurture ‘mama’ she will always give.

Returning to our question about whether you are a star being, and if your answer is NO, we invite you to recognise your own light. See the stardust that swirls around you. If you felt our hearts intertwining with yours, if you felt our hearts dancing together, then you are indeed a star being.

Our discussion now focuses on the present energy. We, the Mountain Gorillas, possess profound wisdom. We are star beings of greatness residing on Earth, tendered to by Earth as she provides for our needs. Remember, we mentioned Earth has needs too, and we respect her.

Our attention now turns to you, the human star beings living on Earth. We, the Mountain Gorillas, applaud you—yes, applaud you—we applaud you for your efforts, we applaud you for the starlight that emits from you, and we applaud you for being YOU.

This world can be very shaky at times, and we Mountain Gorillas know all about shakiness, as our own environment is under threat, which in turn threatens our species’ survival. As a species we have at times been warred on by humans, but nowadays there is governorship of guarding us from warring humans, and we are here because of humans’ governorship of guarding us, and we are protected, but some humans do not recognise that we are protected, and we are then faced with carnage.

For many human star beings, 2024 has been a year of massive growth. You’ve peeled back layers, become more expansive, and more aware—yes, we applaud you. You are walking with humanity.

‘Walking with humanity—what an odd expression, yet the words ring true.

When hearts open, becoming more expansive and aware, they recognise not only their own needs but also the needs of others.

2024 isn’t over yet, and 2025 is just around the corner. The next few weeks for many will pass swiftly, and before you know it, you will be welcoming a new year.

Let’s focus our energy on the present. You humans celebrate a new year, but let’s celebrate today, for it is also NEW.

From our hearts to yours, feel our hearts dancing together. Let us share together a prayer for humanity, please read our next words out loud:

‘May there be ease in the world, may there be tenderness. May the arms that cause mayhem and destruction be laid to rest. May all walk as brothers and sisters, regardless of species, creed, or gender, and by linking arms, may there be a continuity of peace.'”

……..if you wish to do this, do look into your own heart centre. And when you look into your heart centre – feel the energy of joy, actually feel this – ask to see ‘joy’ as a golden glowing light and let this golden glowing joy light surround your body form – like a beautiful vibrancy settling around your aura. And then allow this beautiful vibrancy to seep through all your cells – it is like taking a personal body wash of vibrancy. So please do sit and try this and feel your energy vibrancy going up further.

Also, for people that have animals, reach out and touch one of your animals if they are a touchable species when you can. But do not hurry this touching. Just sit or stand quietly and touch your animal. Allow all personal impressions to come to you; you will have to still your mind and then sense your own animal’s characteristics, sense their inner beauty, sense their goodwill, sense their awareness, sense if they have worries, but allow yourself to receive from your beautiful animal in this way. This is being in touch with yourself and being in touch with an animal who has dedicated their life and heart to you, and to your family just as you have dedicated yourself to your animal which is of your heart.

When you are doing the sensing with your beloved animal – feel your senses becoming more heightened and everything becoming quieter, almost like time has little meaning; you don’t have to rush away, you can honour the moment of beauty, you don’t have to be thinking forward of what you are going to do in the next minute. And this small exercise only takes a minute of your time or can take many minutes of your time – NO SEPARATION” 

2024 Messages


2024, our insights on the energy of 2024.

2024 is a period of creation, but each & every year is a period of transformation, each & every day is a period of transformation, each & every hour is a period of transformation, and each minute is a period of transformation.

But 2024 is profoundly creation; this means that during 2024, a lot will happen, so hold onto your hats and steer yourself well.

Because of the pace of 2024, you will need to be grounded, you will also need to be disciplined, you will also need to be aware, and you will also need to take time out of where you give yourself permission to shut out the world & focus on yourself.

2024 is about reaching for the stars, stepping into your divine wisdom, uniting your masculine & feminine energy, and allowing new to become the new you!

Of course, when becoming the new you, there will be challenges that you will encounter, and the road at times can be rocky but do not see the path that you are walking as a test; instead, see it as an opportunity for growth.

During 2024, you will emerge into many New Yous – an era of metamorphosis awaits you. Hey, New You, be excited.


Delighted to be sharing.

Friends, Giraffes have shared wise words,

My insights into 2024, I could share a library of insights about 2024, but I will condense my insights….

The crystalline grids have altered — during 2024 the crystalline grids will keep on atlering and because of this, your energetic body will have phases of being out of sync.  Some call this upgrading; some call this awakening; some call this ascension; some call this the Age of Aquarius, and some call this the Golden Age.

When you are being upgraded, I need you to believe in yourself and to understand that if you are going through a phase of your energetic body being out of sync, you can reclaim your energy.

Let me give you a little bit of guidance on supporting yourself whilst you are going through a phase of experiencing another awakening & being upgraded.

Visualise your physical body blueprint in front of you.

Visualise your soul star’s blueprint above you. 

Visualise your crystalline blueprint below you.

Then, visualise your three blueprints aligning immediately in front of you & BECOMING ONE, and in turn supporting your physicality.

Many people suggest that they are experiencing ascension symptoms, and for some, this is true, but it isn’t true for all.   You must be sensible, and if you are seedy, there could be a health reason, and you must seek medical care and, if this appeals to you, also holistic care alongside the medical.

2024, regardless of your age & health, is a year of balance, and to have balance, you will have to be aware of your well-being, and this can be through exercise, good company, nutrition, clean water, and holistic & necessary medical care.  There has to be balance in all that you do. There has to be balance in relationships. There has to be balance in your educational or working life.  There has to be balance in communities and so on.  I can hear your whispers, your questions of ‘it doesn’t matter what year, or what day it is there has to be balance’ and yes, this is true, but for 2024, what isn’t in balance you will have to balance, because if something isn’t in balance the cracks will be demonstrative, and the struggles will be harder.

I stated last year (2023) that there would be three dominant awakening periods, and that there would also be seven other awakening periods. Because of how the energy was in 2023 and of how fast the energy was moving – yes, there were three dominant awakening periods, but there were actually nine other awakening periods.

For the year of 2024, what I can sense at this stage is that there will be two massive awakening periods and twelve other awakening periods; 2+12 adds up to 14, and in numerology (1+4), this is 5. 5 in numerology is a spirited dance through the myriad possibilities that life offers, encouraging you to embrace flexibility and the willingness to break free from old patterns and constraints.

Now, to chat about the year 2024 in numerology, this is an 8-year (2+0+2+4=8)., and this number will be driving the energy of 2024.

An 8-year carries the resonance of power, abundance, and the manifestation of material & spiritual goals.

2024 will challenge you to step into your power – don’t be shy about stepping into your power – power is positive – your powerful self is your ally and not your foe – this isn’t about ego, but about being true to yourself, of commanding yourself, of connecting your physicality with your spirituality, of living with the gateway of your soulscape wide open and embracing your spirituality but also embracing the physicality.

An 8-year is about the balance between the spiritual & physical realms. 2024 will beckon you to recalibrate and take stock. 2024 is a year to offer your gifts to the world, to face trials & tribulations with a fortified spirit, and to seek inner guidance from the depths of your soul.

An 8-year is a powerful ally. It’s a year to be bold, to lead with vision, and to unite souls in the pursuit of a higher collective harmony.

2024 is a year to ignite growth – your flame if you allow it will burn bright.  You are a beacon of light, and the light that is beaconing you is your powerful self – stepping into more of your true self.

I hope my words have stirred up your imagination, I hope my words have given you guidance, and I hope my words of aligning your blueprints will support you.

I will advise this, please do not focus your energy on what is out of your control because that will cause imbalance, and understand changes are underfoot – changes are happening, and when going through changes, sometimes the old energy will be present so that the old energy can be resolved or released.  Because of old energy, this can stir up and cause tension in relationships, tension in working environments, tension in communities and also political tension. I will chat briefly about political – there are ones that have stepped onto or stepping onto the political stage to hold the light, and they will have to battle to conquer – battle this isn’t about warring with another country instead it is about creating changes, of anchoring in the new spectrums, the rays of light, so that the planet can have leverage.

2024 can be a year of undoing clearing restoring and this applies to conservation efforts, and finding a greener cleaner way of being but this will only come about if there can be less hostility and laying down of the weaponry of arms and locking arms with the mission of creating greener cleaner.

Friends, I will share an Irish Blessing with you “May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!”

THREE-TOED SLOTHS ‘loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose’

It has been ages since I last blogged, but I thought over the next few months I would start sharing again some of the  beautiful insightful messages from the Animal Kingdom that have been shared in the newsletters.

Three-Toed Sloths are so sedentary that algae actually grows on their furry coat, their algae greenish tinted coat provides Three-Toed Sloths with a natural camouflage in their forested environment.

From the Consciousness of Three-Toed Sloths

“Our World is the same as your World, we have perils & pitfalls to overcome, we have to be selective in what we do & this is no different for you is it!

We move in our bodies, we see things through our eyes, we taste through our mouths, and we hear through our ears just like the majority of humans do. But our sensing of the World is different than yours, we move at the pace that we do and some might suggest the pace is leisurely but our pace is perfect for us, it allows us to experience every nuance and even though the speed that we travel at this can endanger us as we cannot get away from fast moving machinery or from predators who have the ability to move at the speed of light compared to our speed.

On occasions we do sometimes move at a reasonable pace, or what we see as a reasonable pace but even when we move at a reasonable pace things are ‘slower more sure more steady more calm’ except if we were frightened or terrified then our energy would still be moving at a reasonable pace but with energy of worry tagging along with us.

If you could slow life down for a day what would you feel, would you get bored due to life is too slow for you? If you actually slowed life down for a day then your sensing is also slowed down so it isn’t like you would be waiting for time instead you would be in sync with time, just as you are now, just as we are in sync with time.

We absorb so much due to the speed that we travel, due to the speed that we associate with, due to the speed of our own time, and this is a special experience for us. The opportunity to be in our bodies is terrific, we glorify being who we are, and we are the ancient old men or old women of some of the rain-forests of this World.

We are privileged to live where we live but the privilege is being stripped away from us due to man’s interference in the natural cycle of earth – destroy the forests and you also destroy the cycles of earth.

As a species we are humanitarians & create and this is due to many live on us. Our fur captures algae, our fur contains cracks that collects rainwater & acts as it’s own eco-system which allows algae & other life forms to live on us. The other life forms that live on us many are unique, we also have a need for some of the insects that we host, a need for the algae to assist us with camouflage – all that live on us are normally in harmony with us and we in turn are normally are in harmony with them – no wonder we are humanitarians. Our actual species energy also creates a nurturing energy to our forested areas – this is our actual energy that sings out to the forest – a nurturing energy of beauty.

Cities that are fast can be on our doorsteps and we might venture out into your cities and what we see through our eyes & what we sense through our energy when we view the city life is incredible. What we see if we journey into your cities is that when you humans are walking through your cities we see and feel every footstep, we feel the vibration deep within the earth of the moving traffic, we hear noises that are varied, we see litter lying on the ground, we also see poverty,and we see humans who are shamed by their actions that they do unto others but we also see humans who are energy of gladness. The only way to explain what we see to you so that you understand further what we see… if you looked at an old movie that was on set on a slow speed and this speed will allow the movie to capture every tiny bit of movement and depending on the speed of the movie it might even capture the hair moving on arms or even veins of plants full of vitality due to the brilliance of movement is captured. We are ‘still’ but ‘we are not still’ because we experience so much.

What special messages do we have to share with humans who are receptive to hearing from us, and that is the message of ‘loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose.’

Being loyal to what you love and if you love this planet then you will act loyal in your actions.

Being charming in the footsteps that you take – watch our movement then you will know what it is meant by ‘being charming in the footsteps that you take’ as every footstep that we take is charming and even though we are mainly use our arms for navigation through the forested areas that are our homes we are moving – this is footsteps of great charm as we are loving the experience the joy of movement and we are not sedentary in what we do as we are moving with charm, pleasure, with hope and with forward.

Of course we do not expect you to move at our pace & we are not asking you to walk slow everywhere you go INSTEAD we are suggesting that you walk with charmed footsteps so that in your journey you find fulfillment, carry hope for others, and bring forward positivity.

Charmed is a word that is sometimes associated with magic but do look for the magic in yourself, be aware of that you are magical, that you capture your own intensity of life and the intensity of life is of great specialness.

We see ourselves as magical due to our experiences are not stifled in what we feel.

Ease of purpose, what quaint speech we capture but this is being purposeful in what you do but also being at ease in what you do, you could play with these words further and if you think of ‘ease & purpose’ then maybe you also have to be easier on yourself, easier on others, easier on your environment and have purpose when you are in this energy of being easier with purpose then you will actually achieve more. Do not replace ‘easier’ with words of ‘lazy’ or ‘sedentary’ because then you will not achieve with lazy purpose because you will snuff out your feelings or your ability to do.

You might think we are resentful towards humans due to what we have shared but we are not resentful we are concerned Citizens of the World and this is ‘Our World’ – Our World is Your World”

I received this message from a lovely sensitive friendoh Faye… how do I overcome such sadness when I see posts of animals suffering? And I know it’s just one post. But know also there are sooooo many more. It’s such a heavy down-heartening feeling…sometimes I just want to go off fb and know nothing….sooo much heartbreak”

I can really relate to the question asked of me. Daily I am a getting bombarded with pictures & stories on social media, television and other media of cruelty & plights dished out to people, to animals, and destruction to the environment. Also silently in my consciousness I am aware that the barbaric practices of Taiji are happening again.  I read a couple of weeks ago that so called beggars in China cut off a camel’s hooves, and they transport the camel around asking for money for the care of the camel, cruelty & exploitation of another animal. Camels are dignified special animals, and to be treated so disgustingly is beyond actual words.

At times I feel so crushed, so heartbroken at what I have viewed, so suffocating under the weight of it all and I have asked myself many a time when will it all stop. At times my fragility is so incredibly high, and I wonder if I can bear it any more So many times I want to shut myself away, not view all the dreadfulness, I have this great need to be in the energy of totally harmony but then I also know that this also doesn’t help others, doesn’t raise awareness.

And yes, I do share some of the awfulness on my own Facebook social media as I feel such a need to speak out for others, and my Facebook business page will be controversial due to this. If you regularly visit my Facebook business page, you will have noticed sometimes I am incredibly pro-active speaking out for others, and then I might go for a phase that I am not pro-active & I am only sharing the nice beautiful stories that also touch us so greatly. When I am in energy of wondering if I can bear it any more I tend to only share softer postings.

But then I rally around again and being so passionate for the well-being of others I also know that through sharing my voice, and of many voices sharing of inhumane actions we are speaking out as a mass consciousness energy that will bring in massive changes and this will light the way forward for more awareness, and through more awareness more will be achieved. And knowing this helps me I can either allow myself to feel powerless and not able to do anything or I can hopefully make a difference by speaking out and when I step into energy of truly knowing that I am making a difference I can step into energy of feeling like I am doing something, and that even though I am one person that through my voice and my actions I am also encouraging others to be more aware, more pro-active, and also raising the consciousness, and by raising the consciousness this will bring in more changes over time. Mass consciousness awareness is so important, as we shift into higher consciousness awareness and as more become more & more aware and speak out against what is no longer acceptable then that this energy is held and anchored.

I thought I would ask my beautiful dog Hero (female) if she has any advice to share that can help us  from becoming saturated with the suffering of others that then leaves us feeling powerless.

 “Dearest sentient friends,

Honour your feelings, treasure yourself and to help you free yourself from taking on the suffering of others – feel in your 3rd chakra which rests between your naval and your heart – feel this power centre as this is the power centre of personal power and governs self-esteem and this power centre captures your warrior energy, and the power of transformation.

You have to really feel this power centre, so don’t rush doing this, but settle your energy, and tune your energy into yourself.

And as you feel this power centre and then feel this power energy displayed directly out from you, as a radiant beam of bright yellow light. Feel the warmth, the power that this power centre holds but also feel this power centre cleansing your aura and start to feel yourself being cleansed and then being totally cleansed and this will hopefully help you deal with viewing through media the atrocities that are being played out against another or against many.  

This is also a good exercise to do before logging onto social media sites, or watching news, or reading newspapers or other media that are portraying dreadful ordeals. 

Also being aware that when you log into social media sites you might also be leaving your own energy open for others to tune into your energy. To explain this further if you sharing your insights or something that you are feeling then others will be tuning into you and this can also energetically drain you, and you might have experienced at times after visiting social media sites felt incredibly drained but by doing this simple exercise you are working with your own power, you are holding your own power, and setting up a wall a barrier of defence to protect your own energy.  

Love to you all, Hero”


Animal Whispering (Small)Animal Whisperer Faye Rogers shares a message from beautiful elderly blind cat Magic. Magic shares her beauty, and her perceptions of aging.

“……the elderly are difficult because they do not fit into what is considered the norm as the elderly have different needs and are not always that beautiful to look at as the human spirit sees the exterior and forgets to see the interior. But the elderly if cat or animal or human or plant has a noble majestic beauty that the young do not have.

The elderly if they are in the energy of acceptance which so few elderly humans are but if they are then they are in the noble majestic beauty of acceptance.

Acceptance isn’t relating to one being treated cruelly or unfair but acceptance of treasuring the moment that you are in – of saying to yourself it is alright to be this way and that you are not a nuisance and that you are a living being with different needs than you had before and that accidents can happen or confusion can happen at times because one isn’t as perky or as bright as they used to be but then due to one isn’t as perky or as bright as one used to be then this can also be spending time relating to energy of self and dreaming.

Dreaming isn’t necessarily just relating to what humans see as dreaming as it can also relate to soul dreaming so the soul is spending time in the spiritual heavens whilst the earthly body is snoozing away and the majority of living beings do this. In dream state one goes back to soul energy regularly but for the elderly that are in energy of acceptance when they wake from their dreams their soul energy is so strong so beautiful they are acceptance energy of being old and not struggling with this and are instead viewing their world as spectacular of colours regardless of what colours can be seen.

So senses go higher on some things and also go lower on other things. When one has sight taken away which means eyes fade, then other senses will become stronger but also with aging the hearing can become less and even the taste buds become less due to glands and organs are a bit sour but there are other senses of awareness and it could be feeling like the heart energy of your own self is so strong so vibrant and that this means that your awareness is heightened.

So living in my colourless world I actually have a lot of colour as I feel and sense more than I could possibly have imagined as the senses have turned inward but also turned outward to the Greater Universe.”